9/11 懸而未決的問題:2001 年 9 月 11 日國會山神秘早餐會

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作者注Author’s Note

雖然聯合調查(在鮑勃·格雷厄姆和波特·戈斯的領導下)通過小心遺漏收集了大量情報材料,但公共領域(主流媒體、另類媒體等)的大量新聞和情報報告證實了這一關鍵布什政府的一些成員參與了政治偽裝行為,被小心翼翼地從聯合調查聽證會中剔除。While the Joint inquiry (under the helm of Bob Graham and Porter Goss) had collected mountains of intelligence material, through careful omission, the numerous press and intelligence reports in the public domain (mainstream media, alternative media, etc), which confirm that key members of the Bush Administration were involved in acts of political camouflage, were carefully removed from the Joint inquiry’s hearings.


回想起來,波特·戈斯和鮑勃·格雷厄姆 2001 年 8 月下旬前往巴基斯坦的任務(這在我早期的著作中有記載) In retrospect, the mission of Porter Goss and Bob Graham to Pakistan in late August 2001 (which was documented in my earlier writings) 是宣傳活動準備工作的一部分,目的是維持官方敘述,即  was part of the preparation of the propaganda campaign, with a view to sustaining the official narrative, i.e.  “基地組織是推倒世貿中心雙塔的陰謀背後是穆斯林幹的”等等,這基本上支持了官方的 9/11 敘述。  “Al Qaeda was  behind the conspiracy to bring down the WTC towers, Muslims did it”, etc., which essentially sustains the official 9/11 narrative.  

以下由 Global Research 於 2002 年發表的文本提供了 9 月 11 日上午由參議員鮑勃·格雷厄姆 (Bob Graham) 和眾議員波特·戈斯 (Porter Goss) 主持的早餐會的詳細信息。The following text published by Global Research in 2002 provides details on the breakfast meeting hosted by Sen Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss on the morning of September 11.

-米歇爾·喬蘇多夫斯基-Michel Chossudovsky,2023 年 9 月 5 日, September 5, 2023

2001 年 9 月 11 日國會山神秘早餐會Mysterious September 11, 2001 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol Hill


對 9-11 恐怖分子背後的[據稱]“錢人”給予紅地毯待遇是“情報失誤”,還是隻是“例行公事”?Was it an ‘intelligence failure’ to give red carpet treatment to the [alleged] ‘money man’ behind the 9-11 terrorists, or was it simply ‘routine’?

9 月 11 日上午,巴基斯坦首席間諜將軍馬哈茂德·艾哈邁德 ( On the morning of September 11, Pakistan’s Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad),Mahmoud Ahmad,即 9-11 劫機事件背後的“錢人”,正在國會山參加由參議員鮑勃·格雷厄姆 (Bob Graham) 和眾議員波特·戈斯 (Porter Goss) 主持的早餐會。參議院和眾議院情報委員會: the alleged “money-man” behind the 9-11 hijackers, was at  a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees:

“當(世貿中心襲擊事件)消息傳來時,領導眾議院和參議院情報委員會的兩名佛羅裏達州議員正在與巴基斯坦情報部門負責人共進早餐。眾議員波特·戈斯、薩尼貝爾、參議員鮑勃·格雷厄姆和眾議院情報委員會的其他成員正在與巴基斯坦官員討論恐怖主義問題,這時戈斯的一名工作人員向戈斯遞了一張紙條,戈斯又將紙條交給了格雷厄姆。“我們談論的是恐怖主義,特別是阿富汗產生的恐怖主義,”格雷厄姆說。“When the news [of the attacks on the World Trade Center] came, the two Florida lawmakers who lead the House and Senate intelligence committees were having breakfast with the head of the Pakistani intelligence service. Rep. Porter Goss, R-Sanibel, Sen. Bob Graham and other members of the House Intelligence Committee were talking about terrorism issues with the Pakistani official when a member of Goss’ staff handed a note to Goss, who handed it to Graham. “We were talking about terrorism, specifically terrorism generated from Afghanistan,” Graham said.


格雷厄姆說,巴基斯坦情報局局長馬哈茂德·艾哈邁德“對美國人民非常有同情心和同情心”。Mahmoud Ahmad, director general of Pakistan’s intelligence service, was “very empathetic, sympathetic to the people of the United States,” Graham said.

2001 年 8 月下旬,即 9/11 事件發生前幾周,參議員鮑勃·格雷厄姆、眾議員波特·戈斯和參議員喬恩·凱爾在伊斯蘭堡進行磋商。In late August 2001, barely a couple of weeks before 9/11, Senator Bob Graham, Representative Porter Goss and Senator Jon Kyl were in Islamabad for consultations. Meetings were held with P與總統穆沙拉夫resident Musharraf以及巴基斯坦軍方和情報部門的高層人士 and with Pakistan’s military and intelligence brass including the head of Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) 舉行了會議,其中包括巴基斯坦三軍情報局(ISI)負責人馬哈茂德·艾哈邁德將軍。General Mahmoud Ahmad. (右圖)法新社報道證實,美國國會代表團還會見了阿富汗駐巴基斯坦大使 (image right) An AFP report confirms that the US Congressional delegation also met the Afghan ambassador to Pakistan, 阿卜杜勒·薩拉姆·紮伊夫。Abdul Salam Zaeef.在這次美國媒體幾乎沒有提及的會議上,  At this meeting, which was barely mentioned by the US media, 

“紮伊夫(代表阿富汗政府)向美國代表團保證,塔利班絕不會允許本·拉登利用阿富汗對美國或任何其他國家發動襲擊。”[1]“Zaeef assured the US delegation [on behalf of the Afghan government] that the Taliban would never allow bin Laden to use Afghanistan to launch attacks on the US or any other country.”[1]

請注意這些會議的順序。2001 年 8 月下旬,鮑勃·格雷厄姆和波特·戈斯在伊斯蘭堡。Note the sequencing of these meetings. Bob Graham and Porter Goss were in Islamabad in late August 2001.

  • 與穆沙拉夫總統和阿富汗大使的會晤是在2001年8月27日,The meetings with President Musharraf and the Afghan Ambassador were on the 27th of August 2001,

  • 8月30日,使團仍在伊斯蘭堡,The mission was still in Islamabad on the 30th of August,

  • 幾天後(9月4日),馬哈茂德·艾哈邁德將軍抵達華盛頓進行正式訪問和磋商。General Mahmoud Ahmad arrived in Washington on an official visit of consultations barely a few days later (September 4th).

  • 在訪問華盛頓期間,馬哈茂德將軍會見了中央情報局局長喬治·特尼特和布什政府的高級官員。 [2]During his visit to Washington, General Mahmoud met his counterpart CIA director George Tenet and high ranking officials of the Bush administration.[2]

  • 9/11 國會山“後續會議”9/11 “Follow-up Meeting” on Capitol Hill

9 月 11 日上午,三名議員On the morning of September 11, the three lawmakers 鮑勃·格雷厄姆 (Bob Graham)、波特·戈斯 (Porter Goss)Bob Graham, Porter Goss 和喬恩·凱爾 ( andJon Kyl Jon Kyl)(他們是國會派往巴基斯坦的代表團成員)正在國會山與艾哈邁德將軍一起吃早餐, (who were part of the Congressional delegation to Pakistan) were having breakfast on Capitol Hill with 艾哈邁德General Ahmad將軍是 9-11 事件背後的所謂“錢人”。 11名劫機者。出席本次會議的還有巴基斯坦駐美國大使馬萊哈·洛迪以及參議院和眾議院情報委員會的幾名成員。, the alleged “money-man” behind the 9-11 hijackers. Also present at this meeting were Pakistan’s ambassador to the U.S. Maleeha Lodhi and several members of the Senate and House Intelligence committees were also present.

一份新聞報道稱這次會議是八月下旬在巴基斯坦舉行的會議的“後續會議”。“8 月 30 日,參議院情報委員會主席參議員鮑勃·格雷厄姆(D-FL)“的使命是更多地了解恐怖主義。” (…) 9 月 11 日,格雷厄姆回到華盛頓,與巴基斯坦情報機構負責人馬哈茂德·艾哈邁德和眾議院情報委員會主席波特·戈斯 (R-FL) 進行“後續會議””[3](熱線,10 月 1 日) 2002):This meeting was described by one press report as a “follow-up meeting” to that held in Pakistan in late August. “On 8/30, Senate Intelligence Committee chair Sen. Bob Graham (D-FL) “‘was on a mission to learn more about terrorism.’ (…) On 9/11, Graham was back in DC ‘in a follow-up meeting with’ Pakistan intelligence agency chief Mahmud Ahmed and House Intelligence Committee chair Porter Goss (R-FL)”[3] (The Hotline, 1 October 2002):

“當(世貿中心襲擊事件)消息傳來時,領導眾議院和參議院情報委員會的兩名佛羅裏達州議員正在與巴基斯坦情報部門負責人共進早餐。眾議員波特·戈斯、薩尼貝爾、參議員鮑勃·格雷厄姆和眾議院情報委員會的其他成員正在與巴基斯坦官員討論恐怖主義問題,這時戈斯的一名工作人員向戈斯遞了一張紙條,戈斯又將紙條交給了格雷厄姆。“我們談論的是恐怖主義,特別是阿富汗產生的恐怖主義,”格雷厄姆說。“When the news [of the attacks on the World Trade Center] came, the two Florida lawmakers who lead the House and Senate intelligence committees were having breakfast with the head of the Pakistani intelligence service. Rep. Porter Goss, R-Sanibel, Sen. Bob Graham and other members of the House Intelligence Committee were talking about terrorism issues with the Pakistani official when a member of Goss’ staff handed a note to Goss, who handed it to Graham. “We were talking about terrorism, specifically terrorism generated from Afghanistan,” Graham said.


格雷厄姆說,巴基斯坦情報局局長馬哈茂德·艾哈邁德“對美國人民非常有同情心和同情心”。Mahmood Ahmed, director general of Pakistan’s intelligence service, was “very empathetic, sympathetic to the people of the United States,” Graham said.

周二(9 月 11 日)無法聯係到戈斯。他與眾議院的大部分領導層一起被帶到一個秘密的“安全地點”。與此同時,格雷厄姆參加了下午晚些時候與中央情報局和聯邦調查局高級官員舉行的簡報會。”[4]Goss could not be reached Tuesday [September 11]. He was whisked away with much of the House leadership to an undisclosed “secure location.” Graham, meanwhile, participated in late-afternoon briefings with top officials from the CIA and FBI.”[4]

雖然輕視了 9/11 早餐會議的重要性,但 While trivializing the importance of the 9/11 breakfast meeting, 《邁阿密先驅報》(2001 年 9 月 16 日)證實艾哈邁德將軍在 9/11 襲擊後也會見了國務卿科林·鮑威爾:The Miami Herald (16 September 2001) confirms that General Ahmad also met Secretary of State Colin Powell in the wake of the 9/11 attacks:

“格雷厄姆說,他會見的巴基斯坦情報官員是政府的一名高級將領,由於空中交通的關閉,他被迫在華盛頓呆了整整一周,“他被困在這裏,我認為這讓國務卿鮑威爾和政府中的其他人有機會與他真正交談”。格雷厄姆說。”[5]“Graham said the Pakistani intelligence official with whom he met, a top general in the government, was forced to stay all week in Washington because of the shutdown of air traffic ‘He was marooned here, and I think that gave Secretary of State Powell and others in the administration a chance to really talk with him’. Graham said.”[5]

馬哈茂德將軍(9/11 背後所謂的“錢人”)和國務卿科林·鮑威爾之間的個人關係的政治意義再次被隨意忽視。據《邁阿密先驅報》報道,兩人的高層會麵並非事先計劃好的。這次事件是一時興起,因為空中交通關閉,導致馬哈茂德將軍無法乘坐商業航班返回伊斯蘭堡,而將軍和他的代表團很可能乘坐的是政府包機。除了佛羅裏達媒體(以及 Salon.com,2001 年 9 月 14 日)外,Again the political significance of the personal relationship between General Mahmoud (the alleged “money man” behind 9/11) and Secretary of State Colin Powell is casually dismissed. According to The Miami Herald, the high level meeting between the two men was not planned in advance. It took place on the spur of the moment because of the shut down of air traffic, which prevented General Mahmoud from flying back home to Islamabad on a commercial flight, when in all probability the General and his delegation were traveling on a chartered government plane. With the exception of the Florida press (and Salon.com, 14 September, 2001), 美國媒體 9 月的 9-11 事件報道中隻字不提這次神秘的早餐聚會。not a word was mentioned in the US media’s September coverage of 9-11 concerning this mysterious breakfast reunion.

“有鬥篷但沒有匕首”“A Cloak but No Dagger”


八個月後,即 2002 年 5 月 18 日,即“布什知道”的標題登上小報兩天後,《華盛頓郵報》發表了一篇關於波特·戈斯的文章,題為:“披著鬥篷,但沒有匕首;一名前間諜稱他尋求解決方案,而不是 9/11 事件的替罪羊。Eight months later on the 18th of May 2002, two days after the “BUSH KNEW” headline hit the tabloids, the Washington Post published an article on Porter Goss, entitled: “A Cloak But No Dagger; An Ex-Spy Says He Seeks Solutions, Not Scapegoats for 9/11”.

這篇文章重點介紹了波特·戈斯作為中央情報局特工的職業生涯,主要強調了波特·戈斯發動“反恐戰爭”的正直和承諾。然而,文章在一個孤立的段落中承認了與三軍情報局局長馬哈茂德·艾哈邁德神秘的 9/11 早餐會,同時也確認“艾哈邁德經營著一個與奧薩馬·本·拉登和塔利班關係密切的間諜機構”:Focusing on his career as a CIA agent, the article largely served to underscore the integrity and commitment of Porter Goss to waging a “war on terrorism”. Yet in an isolated paragraph, the article acknowledges the mysterious 9/11 breakfast meeting with ISI Chief Mahmoud Ahmad, while also confirming that “Ahmad ran a spy agency notoriously close to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban”:

“現在,戈斯在幫助引導眾議院和參議院對 9 月 11 日襲擊進行聯合調查時麵臨的主要問題是,為什麽在分布廣泛的情報官僚機構(13 個機構花費數十億美元)中沒有人關注我們當中的敵人。直到為時已晚。”“Now the main question facing Goss, as he helps steer a joint House-Senate investigation into the Sept. 11 attacks, is why nobody in the far-flung intelligence bureaucracy — 13 agencies spending billions of dollars — paid attention to the enemy among us. Until it was too late.”

戈斯表示,他正在尋找解決方案,而不是替罪羊。他稱本周中央情報局簡報引發的軒然大波是“一大堆廢話”,該簡報在 9 月 11 日之前的五個星期提醒布什總統,烏薩馬·本·拉登的同夥可能正在策劃劫機航班。Goss says he is looking for solutions, not scapegoats. “A lot of nonsense,” he calls this week’s uproar about a CIA briefing that alerted President Bush, five weeks before Sept. 11, that Osama bin Laden’s associates might be planning airline hijackings.

“這都不是新聞,但這都是相互指責的一部分,”戈斯昨天罕見地表現出憤怒地宣稱。“這太愚蠢了。” 【此言論來自9月11日上午與9-11背後的所謂“錢人”共進早餐的男子】“None of this is news, but it’s all part of the finger-pointing,” Goss declared yesterday in a rare display of pique. “It’s foolishness.” [This statement comes from the man who was having breakfast with the alleged “money-man” behind 9-11 on the morning of September 11]

(……)戈斯一再拒絕將恐怖襲擊歸咎於“情報失誤”。作為在中央情報局秘密行動部門工作了 10 年的資深人士,戈斯更願意讚揚該機構的“出色工作”。(…) Goss has repeatedly refused to blame an “intelligence failure” for the terror attacks. As a 10-year veteran of the CIA’s clandestine operations wing, Goss prefers to praise the agency’s “fine work.”


9月11日早上,戈斯和格雷厄姆正在與一位名叫馬哈茂德·艾哈邁德(Mahmud Ahmed)的巴基斯坦將軍共進早餐,他是即將被解雇的巴基斯坦情報部門負責人。艾哈邁德經營著一家與奧薩馬·本·拉登和塔利班關係密切的間諜機構。[6] (華盛頓郵報,2002 年 5 月 18 日)On the morning of Sept. 11, Goss and Graham were having breakfast with a Pakistani general named Mahmud Ahmed — the soon-to-be-sacked head of Pakistan’s intelligence service. Ahmed ran a spy agency notoriously close to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban.[6] (Washington Post, 18 May 2002)

“把兩個和兩個放在一起”“Putting Two and Two together”


雖然《華盛頓郵報》對艾哈邁德將軍和奧薩馬·本·拉登之間“臭名昭著的密切”聯係進行了報道,但它沒有詳細討論更重要的問題:眾議員波特·戈斯和參議員鮑勃·格雷厄姆以及參議院和眾議院情報部門的其他成員是什麽? 9/11 早上早餐時,委員會與所謂的 9/11“錢人”一起做事。換句話說,《華盛頓郵報》的報道並沒有進一步提出真正的問題:這個神秘的早餐地點是“政治失誤”、情報失誤還是更嚴重的事情?為什麽與艾哈邁德將軍建立了私人關係的同一個人(戈斯和格雷厄姆)被委托接受聯合委員會調查“揭露 9-11 事件的真相”。(見第 3 頁)While the Washington Post scores in on the “notoriously close” links between General Ahmad and Osama bin Laden, it fails to dwell on the more important question: what were Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham and other members of the Senate and House intelligence committees doing together with the alleged 9/11 “money-man” at breakfast on the morning of 9/11. In other words, the Washington Post report does not go one inch further in begging the real question: Was this mysterious breakfast venue a “political lapse”, an intelligence failure or something far more serious? How come the very same individuals (Goss and Graham) who had developed a personal rapport with General Ahmad, had been entrusted under the joint committee inquiry “to reveal the truth on 9-11.”(see p. )

媒體淡化了早餐會,將其呈現為簡單的事實潛水者,未能“將兩個和兩個放在一起”。它也不承認有充分記錄的事實,即劫機者背後的“錢人”受巴基斯坦政府委托,在閉門會議上討論巴基斯坦在“反恐戰爭”中“合作”的具體條款9 月 12 日至 13 日在國務院。[7](參見 Michel Chossudovsky,前述)The media trivialises the breakfast meeting, it presents it as a simple fait divers and fails to “put two and two together”. Neither does it acknowledge the fact, amply documented, that “the money-man” behind the hijackers had been entrusted by the Pakistani government to discuss the precise terms of Pakistan’s “collaboration” in the “war on terrorism” in meetings held behind closed doors at the State department on the 12th and 13th of September.[7](See Michel Chossudovsky, op cit)

確鑿的證據Smoking Gun


當“預知”問題於 2002 年 5 月 16 日出現時,“主席波特·戈斯表示,現有的國會調查迄今已發現‘沒有確鑿證據’值得再次調查。”[8] 這一聲明指出了一個明顯的“掩飾” -向上”。9 月 11 日上午,在國會山國會早餐會場豪華的環境中,確鑿的證據就在那裏。When the “foreknowledge” issue hit the street on May 16th 2002, “Chairman Porter Goss said an existing congressional inquiry has so far found ‘no smoking gun’ that would warrant another inquiry.”[8] This statement points to an obvious “cover-up”. The smoking gun was right there sitting in the plush surroundings of the Congressional breakfast venue on Capitol Hill on the morning of September 11.



1 法新社 (AFP),2001 年 8 月 28 日。1 Agence France Presse (AFP), 28 August 2001.

2. 米歇爾·喬蘇多夫斯基 (Michel Chossudovsky),《政治欺騙》,《9/11 事件背後缺失的一環》,《全球展望》,第 2 期,2002 年,另見。 2. Michel Chossudovsky, Political Deception, The Missing Link behind 9/11, Global Outlook, No. 2, 2002, See also . http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO206A.html http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO206A.html另請參見米歇爾·喬蘇多夫斯基(Michel Chossudovsky),《布什政府的掩蓋還是共謀?》巴基斯坦軍事情報局 (ISI) 在 9 月 11 日襲擊中的作用,2001 年 11 月,  ; See also Michel Chossudovsky, Cover-up or Complicity of the Bush Administration? The Role of Pakistan’s Military Intelligence (ISI) in the September 11 Attacks, November 2001, http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO111A.htmlhttp://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO111A.html

3. 熱線電話,2002 年 10 月 1 日。3. The Hotline, 1 October 2002.

4. Stuart News Company Press Journal,佛羅裏達州維羅海灘,2001 年 9 月 12 日。4. Stuart News Company Press Journal, Vero Beach, FL, 12 September 2001.

5. 邁阿密先驅報,2001 年 9 月 16 日。5. Miami Herald, 16 September 2001.

6. 華盛頓郵報,2002 年 5 月 18 日。6. Washington Post, 18 May 2002.

7. 米歇爾·喬蘇多夫斯基,同前。引用。7. Michel Chossudovsky, op. cit.

8. 白宮公報,2002 年 5 月 17 日。8. White House Bulletin, 17 May 2002.


穀歌翻譯9/11 Unanswered Questions: Mysterious September 11, 2001 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol Hill



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