維基百科上說,當年中國疏散了300,000平民, 部署了1,500,000部隊在中蘇邊界。

來源: delta2020 2023-05-24 10:35:44 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2907 bytes)

To prevent Soviet intervention on Vietnam's behalf, Deng warned Moscow the next day that China was prepared for a full-scale war against the Soviet Union; in preparation for this conflict, China put all of its troops along the Sino-Soviet border on an emergency war alert, set up a new military command in Xinjiang, and even evacuated an estimated 300,000 civilians from the Sino-Soviet border.[63] In addition, the bulk of China's active forces (as many as one-and-a-half million troops) were stationed along China's border with the Soviet Union.[64]



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