Evolution of Evil: The Story of Joseph Stalin and Hideki Tojo
This Episode of Evolution of Evil show the stories behind Joseph Stalin and Hideki Tojo. For 30 years Joseph Stalin "the man of steel" ruthlessly dominated the Soviet Union. Born into poverty on the fringes of the Czarist Russian Empire, he became a gangster and then a revolutionary. He was part of the original Bolshevik leadership team, but when Vladimir Lenin died he took his chance to grab the top spot. His quest for absolute power transformed his nation, but at a brutal cost. Hideki Tojo was made Prime Minister of Japan in 1941, he gave the order to bomb Pearl Harbor, followed by a swift invasion of South East Asia. Tojo approved many further extreme acts of brutality, with no battlefield experience he ran a disastrous campaign in which he lost nearly a third of his men. With the fall of the island of Saipan in 1944, his career was finished. # EvolutionofEvil #Tojo #Stalin This is the official channel of the TV documentary "Hard Time" Enjoy full episodes and be part of the Hard Time Community! And don't forget to subscribe :) ---- Other channels you might be interested in: hazards and catastrophes:
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看 2021 年 2 月 5 日 #Stalin #Tojo
30 年來,約瑟夫斯大林“鋼鐵俠”無情地統治了蘇聯。 他出生在沙皇俄羅斯帝國邊緣的貧困家庭,成為一名流氓,然後成為一名革命者。 他是最初的布爾什維克領導團隊的一員,但當弗拉基米爾·列寧去世時,他抓住了機會奪得了頭把交椅。 他對絕對權力的追求改變了他的國家,但卻付出了慘痛的代價。
東條英機於 1941 年成為日本首相,他下令轟炸珍珠港,隨後迅速入侵東南亞。 東條英機批準了許多進一步的極端殘暴行為,在沒有戰場經驗的情況下,他進行了一場災難性的戰役,他在這場戰役中損失了近三分之一的士兵。 隨著 1944 年塞班島的淪陷,他的職業生涯結束了。