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國軍對於日本鬼子不斷進攻的抵抗,毫無成效。其中主要原因,是國軍要保存實力對付共軍。。。。反觀共軍在華北以遊擊戰抗擊日本鬼子,卻持續不斷地獲得有效的戰鬥結果。。。。以致於在1941年擁有總共51個師團的日本陸軍,不得不在中國投放了其中的 38 個師團,共 75萬之多的兵力,包括在東北的關東軍。


Nationalist Chinese resistance to these Japanese advances was ineffective, primarily because the Nationalist leadership was still more interested in holding their forces in reserve for a future struggle with the Communists than in repelling the Japanese. By contrast, the Communists, from their base in north-central China, began an increasingly effective guerrilla war against the Japanese troops in Manchuria and North China. The Japanese needed large numbers of troops to maintain their hold on the immense Chinese territories and populations they controlled. Of the 51 infantry divisions making up the Japanese Army in 1941, 38 of them, comprising about 750,000 men, were stationed in China (including Manchuria).


國軍在防禦階段進行了22次會戰,在相持階段保持實力,但是遠征軍還是在抗戰,日軍一號作戰,國軍近200萬人進行抵抗。 -老生常談12- 給 老生常談12 發送悄悄話 老生常談12 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/10/2023 postreply 20:16:11



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