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回答: 長津湖一戰是美軍永遠的噩夢XYZ945382021-10-17 18:16:27

隨便去查就知道,長津湖之戰是海軍陸戰隊軍史上前十位的經典之戰。 主將史密斯最後升到四星上將,那是二戰後美軍軍官晉升的極限。 

這次電影出籠之前, 中共70年來什麽時候吹噓過長津湖之戰呀?


The BATTLE OF THE CHOSIN RESERVOIR: After pushing far into North Korea during November of 1950, Marines were cut off after the Chinese Communist Forces entered the war. Despite facing a 10-division force sent to annihilate them, Marines smashed seven enemy divisions in their march from the Chosin Reservoir. The major significance of this retrograde movement was that Marines brought out all operable equipment, properly evacuated their wounded and dead, and maintained tactical integrity.All Rights Reserved MilitaryWives.com, Inc. http://www.militarywives.com
