
來源: borisg 2021-10-09 18:53:41 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1351 bytes)

By Christmas Eve the ships carrying the last X Corps troops and supplies were well out of Hungnam harbor en route to Pusan and to Ulsan, a small port thirty miles north of Pusan. They left behind no serviceable equipment or usable supplies. About 200 tons of ammunition, a like amount of frozen dynamite, 500 thousand-pound aerial 72  bombs, and about 200 drums of oil and gasoline had not been taken out, but “all of this [had] added to the loudness of the final blowup of the part of Hungnam. “73 A remarkable number of refugees, over 86,000, had been lifted out of Hungnam since the 11th. Including those evacuated from Wonsan and Songjin, the total number of civilians taken out of northeastern Korea reached 98,100. About the same number had been left behind for lack of shipping space.74

72 X Corps Comd Rpt, Sum, Dec 50; X Corps PIR 89, 24 Dec 50; X Corps POR 89, 24 Dec 50; Dolcater, 3d Infantry Division in Korea, p. 102.

73 Col Edward H. Forney, Special After Action Report, Deputy Chief of Staff, X Corps, 19 Aug-Dec 50, p. 14.

74 X Corps Comd Rpt, Sum, Dec 50; Field, United States Naval Operations, Korea, p. 304. 


看來,長津湖戰役最大的贏家是這些隨船撤走的9萬8千多難民;最大的輸家是因沒船而沒能撤走的(據說還是有些從陸路南撤)大約十來 -小百臉- 給 小百臉 發送悄悄話 小百臉 的博客首頁 (35 bytes) () 10/10/2021 postreply 08:27:38



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