嗬嗬, rodong.rep.kp,相信你可以在北朝鮮的網站找到罵金日成/正恩的. 你是行的.

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回答: 請post 幾個 links,讓俺們見識見識。gweipwu2021-09-10 12:11:42

1. There is a lot of news about the 'Supreme Leader's Activities'

Most of the websites are in Korean, but some like rodong.rep.kp - the site for the main newspaper Rodong Sinmun - have an English site too.

It includes a section dedicated to what leader Kim Jong-un might be up to on any given day titled "Supreme Leader's Activities".


His visit to a fruit farm where he delivered some guidance, presumably on fruit farming, was featured, as was his speech to the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Youth Movement.
