The D-Day invasion is significant in history for the role it

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played in World War II. D-Day marked the turn of the tide for the control maintained by Nazi Germany.

The invasion of northern France in 1944 was the most significant victory of the Western Allies in the Second World War. The German Army suffered a catastrophe greater than that of Stalingrad, the defeat in North Africa or even the massive Soviet summer offensive of 1944. ...

Why D-Day Was So Important to Allied Victory | Imperial War ...

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Victory in Normandy
The Normandy invasion began to turn the tide against the Nazis. A significant psychological blow, it also prevented Hitler from sending troops from France to build up his Eastern Front against the advancing Soviets.
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The D-Day invasion, or Normandy landings, were the landing operations of the Allied forces as part of Operation Overlord in World War II. They marked the beginning of the liberation of German-occupied Western Europe from Nazi control.
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