
吳健雄(Chien-Shiung Wu, CSW)出生於中國六合市,上海以北,1936年移居美國。羅伯特·W·凱利/生活圖片收藏著蓋蒂圖片社


作者:Adrian Cho, Feb。 2021年5月5日下午6:20

許多人從未聽說過的美籍華裔物理學家很快將享有罕見的榮譽,通常授予該領域的同名偉人:愛因斯坦,費米,費曼。這項服務於本周宣布,2月11日,即國際科學婦女和女童日,美國郵政總局(USPS)將發行紀念吳健雄的郵票。 1956年,Wu從本質上證明了宇宙從左邊知道右手。


Wu於1997年去世,享年84歲。她因證明這種效應而被授予諾貝爾獎。相反,她的人數被許多科學家認為是諾貝爾委員會不公平地忽視的女性。哈佛大學粒子物理學家梅利莎·富蘭克林(Melissa Franklin)說:“這是一個非常重要的實驗,她是一位了不起的科學家。”






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然而,到了1950年代,物理學家通過將高能質子發射到目標中而產生了奇特的,短暫的亞原子粒子,並且某些粒子的衰變似乎無視奇偶性。 1956年6月,哥倫比亞大學的理論家李宗大和布魯克海文國家實驗室的陳寧寧提出,在微弱的相互作用中,奇偶校驗可能不成立。他們的論文提出了一個實驗以找出答案-儘管為此,他們諮詢了Wu。








Lee和Yang因發現奇偶校驗違規而分享了1957年諾貝爾物理學獎,但Wu卻沒有。一些學者認為,諾貝爾委員會將她排除在外是因為尚不清楚她的研究小組是否應優先進行實驗觀察。 Wu和他的同事幾乎都被同樣在哥倫比亞的萊昂·萊德曼(Leon Lederman)領導的競爭對手所挖出,他們測量了一種稱為μ子的粒子在衰變中的相同作用。萊德曼的小組後來開始,但先準備好手稿,並應李的要求推遲將其提交出版,布達佩斯科技大學(University of Technology and Economics)的化學家和科學歷史學家馬格多爾納·哈吉泰泰(Magdolna Hargittai)在2012年的一篇論文中談到。


麻省理工學院的物理學家和科學歷史學家戴維·凱澤(David Kaiser)指出,然而,李和楊在與吳的討論中已經加強了他們的理論思想。她建議使用低溫鈷60離子源是實現自旋極化β離子源的最佳方法。此外,凱撒(Kaiser)指出,諾貝爾委員會本可以在下一年因實驗觀察獲得二等獎。他說:“我認為我們可以提出一個非常有力的證據,證明她被忽視了,或者至少應得到這種榮譽。”




zài liǎn shū shàng fēnxiǎng



Chien-Shiung Wu was born in Liuhe, China, a town north of Shanghai, and emigrated to the United States in 1936.


Postage stamp to honor female physicist who many say should have won the Nobel Prize

A Chinese-American physicist whose name many people have never heard will soon share a rare honor typically bestowed on the field’s mononymous greats: Einstein, Fermi, Feynman. On 11 February, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) will issue a stamp commemorating Chien-Shiung Wu, the service announced this week. In 1956, Wu proved, essentially, that the universe knows its right hand from its left.

Wu, who died in 1997 at age 84, never received a Nobel Prize for her demonstration of the effect called parity violation. Instead, she numbers among the women many scientists think were unfairly overlooked by the Nobel Committee. “It was an incredibly important experiment and she was an amazing scientist,” says Melissa Franklin, a particle physicist at Harvard University.

The universe can be thought of as a huge assemblage of fundamental particles interacting through four forces: gravity, electromagnetism, the strong force that binds the atomic nucleus, and the weak force that produces a type of nuclear decay called beta decay. Physicists once assumed that if you inverted all the particles’ positions—swapping left and right, up and down, forward and back—and reverse all their momenta, the universe should work just the same. If you performed such a “parity” transformation on a clock, for example, the weird mirror-image clock that would result would tick just like the original one.


By the 1950s, however, physicists were producing exotic, fleeting subatomic particles by firing high-energy protons into targets, and certain particle decays seemed to defy parity symmetry. In June 1956, theorists Tsung-Dao Lee of Columbia University and Chen Ning Yang of Brookhaven National Laboratory suggested parity might not hold in weak interactions. Their paper proposed an experiment to find out—although for that part, they consulted Wu.

The trick was to study a nucleus that both spins and undergoes beta decay, in which it spits out an electron and a nearly undetectable neutrino. If parity holds, the electron should emerge with equal probability in all directions. If parity is violated, electrons would be more likely to emerge in one direction relative to the nucleus’ spin than in the other.

That’s just what Wu and colleagues observed in experiments at the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology) in December 1956. They placed a sample of radioactive cobalt-60 in a strong magnetic field and cooled it to nearly absolute zero to make most of the nuclei spin in the same direction. They found a strong correlation between the spin and the directions of emitted electrons, proving the weak interaction has a handedness: Curl the fingers of your left hand in the sense the nuclei are spinning and the electrons emerge in the direction of your thumb.

Chien-Shiung Wu won numerous awards, including the National Medal of Science in 1975.


Lee and Yang shared the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of parity violation, but Wu did not. Some scholars have argued the Nobel Committee left her out because it wasn’t clear that her group deserved priority for the experimental observation. Wu and colleagues were almost scooped by rivals led by Leon Lederman, also at Columbia, who measured the same effect in the decay of a particle called the muon. Lederman’s team started later but had a manuscript ready first and it held off on submitting it for publication at Lee’s request, recounts Magdolna Hargittai, a chemist and historian of science at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in a 2012 essay.

However, Lee and Yang had already sharpened their theoretical ideas in discussions with Wu, notes David Kaiser, a physicist and historian of science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. And she suggested a cryogenic cobalt-60 source would be the best way to achieve a spin-polarized beta source. In addition, Kaiser notes, the Nobel Committee could have given a second prize for experimental observations in a later year. “I think we can make a very strong case that she was overlooked or at least eminently deserving of such an honor,” he says.

The Nobel controversy aside, the discovery of parity violation had a tremendous impact on particle theory. Particle physicists’ whole standard model of elementary particles and forces derives from various abstract symmetries and how interactions among the particles sometimes obscure or break those symmetries. The discovery of parity violation set the conceptual stage for that development, Kaiser says.

A physicist has a much better chance of winning a Nobel Prize than appearing on a postage stamp. USPS officials say they haven’t tracked exactly how many physicists have been on stamps, but the list is short. In addition to Wu, Einstein, Fermi, and Feynman, others include rocket scientist Robert Goddard, experimentalist Robert Millikan, aerodynamicist Theodore von Kármán, condensed matter theorist John Bardeen, and nuclear theorist Maria Goeppert Mayer. Regarding Wu, Franklin says, “I don’t think it matters about the Nobel Prize, the stamp is much more important.”

Wu’s name went through the standard selection process for commemorative stamps, says William Gicker, director of stamp services at USPS. Anyone can nominate a person for a stamp, Gicker says, and USPS receives roughly 30,000 nominations per year. Those that conform to the requirements then go to the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee, which makes recommendations to the postmaster general. USPS issues just a few dozen commemorative stamps each year.

The committee was looking to issue more stamps involving the sciences and to diversify the figures on them, Gicker says. It’s OK if Wu is not a household name, he says. “We hope to engage a viewer through a little 1-inch-by-1-inch work of art to ask, ‘Who is this and what did they do?’” He adds, “You should be on the lookout for other prominent women in the sciences in future years.”



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Neither Google translate nor Nature By Adrian Cho got into your -TJKCB- 給 TJKCB 發送悄悄話 TJKCB 的博客首頁 (124 bytes) () 02/09/2021 postreply 00:03:46

吳是試驗物理。 -Meiyangren- 給 Meiyangren 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/08/2021 postreply 17:51:27

說實話,個人並不喜歡作為物理學家的吳女士 -Modbus- 給 Modbus 發送悄悄話 (512 bytes) () 02/08/2021 postreply 20:18:41

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