轉: 第一個因為黨員問題,而丟掉美國身份的國人

來源: malpenn 2020-12-20 10:47:31 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (5071 bytes)


1950年,錢學森被吊銷了接觸機密的安全許可。理由是他和當時美共活動在灣區的一個黨支部有關聯。FBI找到了一份名字是 H.S.Tsien 的黨員登記表。有證人說和錢學森一起啃過恩格斯的“反杜寧論”。 另外錢學森1947年回國奔喪期間寫給美國同事的信件,裏麵流露了錢學森對當時中國國民大會選出的合法政府的失望和不滿。

錢學森的反應是預定了加拿大航空飛溫哥華的機票,以及從加拿大到香港的船票。還請了搬家公司來打包。這個時候他犯了第一個錯誤。他同時決定去首都走走關係,看能不能重新拿回安全許可。據 “China Cloud“一書(BY WILLIAM RYAN and SAM SUMMERLIN, 1967),這一決定是加州理工校方的建議,錢學森 ”He did so, but with reluctance“。 錢學森要找的關係是Dan A. Kimball, then Under Secretary of the Navy。 不知道他這個官銜中文咋說。錢和他是老熟人了。

Kimball告訴錢學森,”我不相信你是共黨“, 並答應盡力幫錢學森努力。但是錢學森犯了一個致命的錯誤,他透露了回國的打算。 原話是 ”I'm Chinese, I don't want to build weapons to kill my countrymen. It's that simple.“。 等錢學森一離開,Kimball立刻打電話給國務院,”Under no circumstances, should Tsien be permitted to leave the United States.“。 還有就是那句著名的 ”I'd rather shoot him than let him leave the country; he knows too much that's valuable to us; he's worth five divisions anywhere.“。

錢學森回家在洛杉磯機場知道了見Kimball的結果,移民局的官員向他傳達了禁止離境的命令。 由搬家公司運往香港的總重1800磅的行李被由八家執法機構組成的聯合調查組扣留。

1950年9月6日,錢學森在家中被逮捕。罪名是”a member of an organization ... that advises, advocates or teaches the overthrow by force of the Government of United States.“。 兩星期後,以15000元取保候審,錢學森被釋放回家。數周後,美國政府對錢學森一案開庭。下麵就是那段庭上著名的問答

"Do you owe your allegiance to Communist China?"

"I do not," Tsien replied.

"To whom do you owe allegiance?"

"I owe allegiance to the people of China."

檢察官 sparred with Tsien for a moment and then demanded: "In the event of a conflict between this country and Red China, would you fight against Red China for the United States?"

Tsien parried. The situation had not presented itself. There was no such war. Again, Tsien's lawyer protested. His client would need time to think about such a question.

"We will wait here six months," 檢察官 snapped.

But Tsien volunteered that it would take only moments. The room fell silent. Five minutes ticked by. Finally, Tsien said, "I can't answer the question now."

"You can't or won't answer the question now?"

"I can -- c-a-n -- answer the question now," replied Tsien, stung, "and the answer is as follows: I have already said that my essential allegiance is to the people of China, and if the war between the United States and Communist China is for the good of the people of China, which I think is very likely to be, so then I will fight on the side of the United States. No question about that."

"But you will make the decision first? You will determine whether it is for the good of the Chinese people?".

"That decision, yes, I would make."

"You will not permit the Government of the United States to make that decision for you?"

"No, certainly not."

1951年4月26日裁定 “Tsien was an alien, a native and citizen of China, who was subject to deportation on the grounds that he has been found to have been, prior to entry ... an alien who was a member of the Communist Party of the United States.” 錢學森被判遞解出境,但考慮到美國的國家安全,錢學森被禁止離開他當時居住的洛杉磯縣(COUNTY)。

1955年司法部撤銷了禁止錢學森外出的命令, 驅逐錢學森的判決立即生效。錢登上了開往香港的輪船。與此同時11名被扣押的美軍飛行員跨過了羅湖橋進入香港。

"It would be totally contrary to our principles, The United States has not been engaged and is not now engaged in swapping human beings." 這是美國國務院對此事的正式答複。


按照張純如的說法,1950年代一共有兩個中國人被司法部列為禁止離開美國 -malpenn- 給 malpenn 發送悄悄話 (160 bytes) () 12/20/2020 postreply 10:51:40

一開始司法部禁令是35名中國留學生,後來擴大到全部理工醫類留學生。。。 -天堂之令- 給 天堂之令 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2020 postreply 14:27:27

張純如死得不明不白。揭露西方國家包括日本人爛事的,有很大風險。 -通州河- 給 通州河 發送悄悄話 通州河 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2020 postreply 14:28:17

這裏麵最不地道的就是Kimball -yma16- 給 yma16 發送悄悄話 yma16 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2020 postreply 14:18:25



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