【 戰俘不是投降,不是恥辱,不應貶低,還應尊重!】

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Japanese surrender aboard the battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945. In the foreground, General Yoshijiro Umezu is signing the surrender terms for the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters. On the general’s right, opposite side of table, is Lt. Gen. Richard K. Sutherland, General MacArthur’s Chief of Staff. Back of microphones stands General of the Army Douglas MacArthur. Reading left to right, the first row of men facing the camera in back of General MacArthur are: Admiral of the Fleet Chester W. Nimitz; Gen. Hsu-Yung-chang, China; Adm. Sir Bruce Fraser, Britain; Lt. Gen. Derevyanko, USSR; Gen. Sir Thomas Blarney, Australia; Col. L. Moore Cosgrave, Canada; Gen. “Jacques Leclerc” (Count Philippe de Hauteclocque), France; Vice Adm. Conrad Helfrich. Netherlands; Air Vice Marshal L. M. Isitt, New Zealand. The officer at the extreme right is Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright. (Photo by Larry Keighley)

Japanese surrender aboard the battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945. In the foreground, General Yoshijiro Umezu is signing the surrender terms for the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters. On the general’s right, opposite side of table, is Lt. Gen. Richard K. Sutherland, General MacArthur’s Chief of Staff. Back of microphones stands General of the Army Douglas MacArthur. Reading left to right, the first row of men facing the camera in back of General MacArthur are: Admiral of the Fleet Chester W. Nimitz; Gen. Hsu-Yung-chang, China; Adm. Sir Bruce Fraser, Britain; Lt. Gen. Derevyanko, USSR; Gen. Sir Thomas Blarney, Australia; Col. L. Moore Cosgrave, Canada; Gen. “Jacques Leclerc” (Count Philippe de Hauteclocque), France; Vice Adm. Conrad Helfrich. Netherlands; Air Vice Marshal L. M. Isitt, New Zealand. The officer at the extreme right is Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright. (Photo by Larry Keighley)

General Jonathan M. Wainwright, highlighted in color in this photograph.

General Jonathan M. Wainwright, highlighted in this photograph.


一位比較瘦小的,最右邊的,這位將軍 13天前還被日軍關在 戰俘營裏

他就是衛英萊特 將軍 Wainwright

Note the man standing at the far right in this photo. The skinny gentleman wearing the baggy uniform?

General Jonathan M. Wainwright, highlighted in color in this photograph.
General Jonathan M. Wainwright, highlighted in this photograph.

His name is Jonathan M. Wainwright. And just 13 days before this picture was taken, he was being held in a Japanese POW camp.

Three years earlier, Wainwright commanded a force on the Philippine island Corregidor.






McCain was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam for five and a half years until his release on March 14, 1973.

Senator John Mccain, right, leads a group of men released from a P.O.W. camp In Hanoi, North Vietnam, on March 14, 1973.

馬坎 被釋放 情景 1973-4-14

File:Richard Nixon Greets John McCain.jpg

File:Reagans with John McCain 1987.jpg

File:Bush Contact Sheet P16287 (cropped).jpg




