Public healthcare is free/paid for those who are below the poverty line. The public health sector encompasses 18% of total outpatient careand 44% of total inpatient care. Middle and upper class individuals tend to use public healthcare less than those with a lower standard of living. Additionally, women and the eldery are more likely to use public services. The public health care system was originally developed in order to provide a means to healthcare access regardless of socioeconomic status.
• 政府必須將爭得國民收入的1半用於醫學關照與救治,尤其是中美俄,因為國家武力已經達至自衛之需,國家的錢應當用於,管製醫事。 -大江川- ♂ (0 bytes) () 05/26/2019 postreply 12:56:07