你相信那些? Please repeat 10 times: "National interest", "National in

The concept is an important one in international relations, where pursuit of the national interest is the foundation of the realist school.

As a euphemism

Today, the concept of "the national interest" is often associated with political realists who fail to differentiate their policies from "idealistic" policies to seek to inject morality into foreign policy or promote solutions that rely on multilateral institutions which might weaken the independence of the state.

As considerable disagreement exists in every country over what is or is not in "the national interest," the term is as often invoked to justify isolationist and pacifistic policies as to justify interventionist or warlike policies. It has been posited that the term is a euphemism used by powerful countries for geopolitical aims such as nonrenewable natural resources for energy independency, territorial expansionism and precious metals in smaller countries.[4] In that case, euphemism usage is necessary to stifle voices opposed to an interventionistic or warhawk foreign policy.[5]





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強調國家利益民族利益一直是資產階級統治階級和機會主義分子轉移鬥爭視線的手段 -aebny- 給 aebny 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2019 postreply 20:28:07

haha ... agree -bebe2014- 給 bebe2014 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2019 postreply 20:35:26
