往日時光指什麼?鄧小平不踏上故鄉,林彪夜間全家訪林家大灣"一千個讀者, 就有一千個哈姆雷特"

來源: TJKCB 2022-11-21 09:45:53 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (17757 bytes)

往日時光指什麼? "往日"即已經過去; "時光"指時間與空間的光影,也即投影 - 因此價值觀不同,利益不同,位置不同,體感不同,視角不同,經歷不同,心境不同,[ 幾曾回首怎麼做怎麼寫都會有人不滿意的!(**)

"一千個讀者, 就有一千個哈姆雷特" (***)

故鄉是回不去的一段時光,而不僅物非人非的舊地重遊,鄧小平能看穿此點: 16歲離開廣安縣,從此不踏上舊地。他那一代人也隻有他如此。林彪夜間全家訪林家大灣。朱德單身訪老家說小孩可找他上北京讀書,結果100+小孩要上北京讀書 - 被賀龍擋住。鄉裏鄉親,誰能擋情義?



It’s not an idiom from English. The phrase as it is originated in Chinese, though its spirit came from Tsarist Russia.

To the uninitiated, the phrase “there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes (一千個人眼中有一千個哈姆雷特)” was popularised by the standardised Year 5Chinese primary school curriculum (《語文五年級上冊教師教學用書》(人民教育出版社2011年版)). The phrase intends to be a statement about individual artistic interpretations, how different audience to Hamlet may have their own interpretations of the tale about the Danish prince.

http://ThePaper.cn did a proper investigation (語錄偵探 | 一千個人眼中有一千個哈姆雷特). It found that its earliest mention came from an essay by Zhu Guangqian first published in 1957 (《哲學研究》1957年第四期).

Zhu Guangqian in 1933

The essay mentioned “thousand Hamlet” in a quote, and the investigation pointed to the earlier reference as probably that of Vissarion Belinsky’s three-phase interpretation of Hamlet in 1838:

“Reading Shakespeare’s drama shows that each person is a legitimate artistic subject, however low he stands in the social hierarchy and even in humanity as such” (Response to The Muscovite Journal; see: Complete Works, vol. 10, 1956, p. 242).


Vissarion Belinsky

A more complete review of Belinsky’s interpretation of Hamlet can be found in the article Shakespeare in Russia by N. V. Zakarov.



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