support scoopydo's point!

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回答: 回複:to EMAILjerryyan2004-07-16 12:03:53
I do support scoopydo's point!

"but we really should learn how to protect our legal rights once they are violated. It is not a shame to go to the court. "

--- the problem is when we are in this new land, we may not actually realize what is our legal rights, what is not. When others intrude our rights, we even don't know it or even we realize it, we keep silent cause as for a new one politics is difficult to survive or do not know where to seek help. Even we seek help, there is risk that we will used up all of our hard-earned money for lawyer and energy.

What's worse, since we are new, some local people take advantage of our lack of knowledge of this new place and setting subtle traps and let us fall into it, while they are legal every step (maybe backboned by a strong lawyer). It is very common that they go this legal way to the very extreme that results in our newcomers badly financially damaged and learned every lesson hardly.



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