
來源: 單身老貓 2009-03-21 16:26:00 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2243 bytes)
回答: 求救啊!兒子十年級。無路可走了2009-03-21 14:54:47
(這是老貓在麵文中所提有關孩子在學校賣酒的回帖,請特別注意相關如何處理的資料. 謝謝!

學校的做法是決定正確的,這裡是URL 有關相關個州的法律,建議您先仔細看一看再說,


事實上在馬州(蒙郡),有真正的案件,餐館的工作人員,忙中有錯,沒有check ID 就提供酒精飲品給 under 21的客人,被抓到之後,需要麵對$2500的罰款與40個小時的社區服務,(同時這還是一個criminal case).

所以,您"朋友"的孩子,提供酒精飲品給under 21的人,同時還有金錢上的交易,老實說,沒有被移送少年法庭已經很不錯了,您拘然還認為學校"太過份"..難道您朋友的孩子應該超越在法律之上? 學校的做法,老貓是贊同的.

現在能做的有三個個方式,(A)看看您所在的州是否有立法支持- services for expelled students - expulsion policies ,一般向您朋友的情況不會是永久性的決定,所以如果他的行為能夠meet school district 的要求,將來應該還是可以回到公立學校的係統,(B)上訴這個決定,(但是對您朋友的情況,可能非常難) (C) 找私立的學校再說.



同時請您仔細讀一下這個資料 (不要動不動就認為旁人不對...美國是一個法治的國家,在這裡就得學習守法)

Can a student be suspended or expelled from a public school?

A student has the right to attend a public school. Such right of attendance may be taken away if the student fails to comply with reasonable regulations, requirements, and rules of the school. A student's failure to abide by such rules may result in the student's suspension or expulsion. Usually, the school authorities have the right to define the reasons for which a student can be suspended or expelled. Generally, it is the responsibility of the principal or teacher in charge of the public school to order suspension or expulsion.

Some of the reasons for suspension or expulsion may be:

(1) Insubordination or misconduct subversive of the discipline of the school

(2) The sale or use of controlled substances or alcohol on school premises

(3) The use of profane or obscene language

(4) Violent behavior, such as fighting

(5) Under appropriate regulations for absences or tardiness without satisfactory excuses.


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