回複:想改行學法律, 請過來人給點兒建議

I know an American joined law school in his 40s, and got a good job after that. But he was already a professor before law school, and according to him, law school is just a piece of cake.


sorry I revised your writing -二木- 給 二木 發送悄悄話 (305 bytes) () 01/16/2009 postreply 23:06:25

回複:sorry I revised your writing -greencardwaiting- 給 greencardwaiting 發送悄悄話 (537 bytes) () 01/17/2009 postreply 13:59:01

回複:sorry I revised your writing -greencardwaiting- 給 greencardwaiting 發送悄悄話 (305 bytes) () 01/17/2009 postreply 14:05:42

you should ALWAYS pay attention to your writing.... -yiyiying- 給 yiyiying 發送悄悄話 (70 bytes) () 01/21/2009 postreply 13:08:27

That's not an excuse of writting badly. -ideserveit- 給 ideserveit 發送悄悄話 ideserveit 的博客首頁 (238 bytes) () 07/13/2009 postreply 13:27:13

CO:sorry I revised your writing -ideserveit- 給 ideserveit 發送悄悄話 ideserveit 的博客首頁 (218 bytes) () 06/29/2009 postreply 17:07:51
