

之後約了某天來裝, 我在家等, 到下午4:30來電說不能來了, 前麵的活沒幹完。第二次總算來了, 我訂帶GRID的窗, 他拿來了沒有GRID的窗。 他說下次來換SASH就好了。

後來換了個人來換SASH, 應該要換12個, 他帶來了11個。 SASH上沒有ENERGY的STICKER,也沒有產品名字規格的STICKER。幾個SASH要麽密封條裂開, 要麽LOCK有括痕。我質疑產品不是我訂的那種, 因為SASH上什麽文字也沒有。

之後這人沒有約, 就拿了上次漏下的一個SASH來了, 換好後就要我簽Completion Paper, 他可以向我要FINAL payment。 我說要把該換的全換完我才會簽, 然後再付錢。他就威脅說我不簽, 他可以把窗拆了, 全拿走。 他MANGER也在電話裏這樣說。我堅持要全部弄完再簽。

過幾天那個SALES親自來了, 在我家賴了一下午不肯走, 要我先簽COMPELTION SHEET,然後他會安排從新訂SASH, 結果我沒給他。 他說窗以裝好了, 我該付餘款了,任何問題都是WARRANTY的事了。 我說這全是裝的問題, 怎麽算做WARRANTY的事呢?

然後我每周都打電話問他們何時來換窗, 我好把這事結束, 付掉餘款。 結果每次他們都隻是搪塞一番, 一點都不 急。 我很奇怪, 結果一查, 他們已經把餘款CHARGE 到我卡裏了。 卡號是我在第一次付DOWNPAYMENT時給他們的, SALES說, DOWNPAYMENT過後他們電腦會DELETE掉card information. 但他們CHARGE餘款是在未經我授權同意的情況下做的。

現在我想 file complaint to attorney general:
1) in the contract, there is $300 extra charge to tear off the old window. The sales explained that the old windows need extra effort to take off. But when I saw their install guy take off the window, it is just the standard take off, no extra work or tear off at all. Can I ask this money back even it is calculated in the contract?
2) credit card company said even I did not authorize the 2nd payment, I cannot press fraud charge to the company because I gave them the card info, and it is just the dispute. Is there anything I can do here?
3) If I need to go to the small claim court, can I ask for compensation for their poor service?
4) In their newpaper ad, it is said '$189 installed for any size window". And my window end up with $460 each. For all the things they promised in the sales presentation - good product, professional installation, life time warranty, etc, I did not get any so far. How can I make this a case?

I typed a lot to seek for help and suggestions, also want to tell everyone in Chicago, don't be fooled by their ads, they have very poor service.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions.


回複:求建議:我在CHICAGO的裝窗經曆 -單身老貓- 給 單身老貓 發送悄悄話 單身老貓 的博客首頁 (1507 bytes) () 09/19/2008 postreply 15:30:01

老貓說得太準確了.平常老百姓的經驗:有疑問,不開工. -citygirl08- 給 citygirl08 發送悄悄話 (195 bytes) () 09/20/2008 postreply 07:31:03

you can file a compliant with local "Register of Contractors" fo -yiqi- 給 yiqi 發送悄悄話 (246 bytes) () 09/25/2008 postreply 14:58:36
