
來源: scoopydoo 2004-05-31 18:56:12 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (746 bytes)
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回答: 買房問題 -- 我們有case嗎?qqj2004-05-30 08:59:22
If you can ask your neighbours to sue together, defenitely you will have a stronger case. If only your house has the mistake as to the living area, the seller can claim it as an unintentional mistake. However, if the same mistake has been shown on many other cases, you have a claim that the builder cheated intentionally. Then all of you can sue for punitive damage, which usually can be a hugh number, in addition to the actual damage you have suffered.

I think it would be better that you consult a real estate lawyer first. Don't trust your agent too much on this issue. Your agent and you have a conflict of interest. If you back out, he cannot get the commission. If the price reduces, his commission will also reduce. Good luck!


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