回複:回複:泣血求助!老公被charge 襲擊交警,下月出庭!

1.這個case 有多嚴重?最壞的情況,會判什麽?會坐牢嗎?會被直接遞解出境嗎?我們被criminal 和 battery這樣的單詞嚇到了,很嚴重嗎?可是他肯定沒有身體接觸那個警察或者說髒話或者威脅性的話啊!
(720 ILCS 5/12‑3) (from Ch. 38, par. 12‑3)
Sec. 12‑3. Battery.
(a) A person commits battery if he intentionally or knowingly without legal justification and by any means, (1) causes bodily harm to an individual or (2) makes physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with an individual.
(b) Sentence.
Battery is a Class A misdemeanor.
因為這是 Class A misdemeanor依據依州的法律,她麵對最高不超過$2500元的罰鍰與(and/or)最高不超過一年的刑期.

730 ILCS 5/5‑9‑1) (from Ch. 38, par. 1005‑9‑1)
Sec. 5‑9‑1. Authorized fines.
(a) An offender may be sentenced to pay a fine which shall not exceed for each offense:
(1) for a felony, $25,000 or the amount specified in the offense, whichever is greater, or where the offender is a corporation, $50,000 or the amount specified in the offense, whichever is greater;

(2) for a Class A misdemeanor, $2,500 or the amount specified in the offense, whichever is greater;


730 ILCS 5/5‑8‑3) (from Ch. 38, par. 1005‑8‑3)
Sec. 5‑8‑3. Sentence of Imprisonment for Misdemeanor. (a) A sentence of imprisonment for a misdemeanor shall be for a determinate term according to the following limitations:
(1) for a Class A misdemeanor, for any term less than one year;

2 year supervision for a class A misdemeanor (大概不會高於 $300.00的罰金).

2.下月上庭審判後,怎樣的結果會留案底?怎樣的結果會對以後的簽證,找工作時的background check,綠卡等留下不好影響的記錄?
Definitely there will be a record, you can go to the local police station to ask for the arrest report, this report will be very critical to you and your lawyer because it describes the whole event. So you need to get it. And this record can not be eliminated unless the case is dismissed or the arrest record is expunged. And whenever background check is executed, it is supposed to show on record if the defendant is charged. Depends on the charge, it can be nothing or severe. But make sure get a good lawyer no matter how much he will charge you (probably you are not qualified for a pro bono lawyer), and this lawyer has to be a criminal lawyer.
(一個補充,因為是a class A misdemeanor所以將來有可能可以要求法官在若幹年後考慮準許他expunge這個紀錄,所以對於他找工作應該不會有太大的影響,(除非他將來的工作涉及到聯邦政府有關國房軍事方麵需要安全層次較高的工作,對他能否順利取得"保秘的資格"可能會有影響)至於移民歸化的部份,依據現行的法律應該不會有影響,但是如果未來民主黨的候選人當選,k考慮對於移民問題的資格從嚴處理,就很難說了.

3.battery到底什麽定義?對方是警察是不是罪加一等?後來我的美國朋友告訴我,根據我的描述,他們覺得可能拖車的不是真的警察,而是機場的security person,所以才會說叫警察,去警局後他們就走了,處理的是另外的警察。





6.據說機場都有security camera的,我們作為個人可以要求看嗎?或者我們請的律師能要求看嗎?還是法庭才有權利?因為ld比較自信肯定沒有身體接觸,我們覺得可能用錄像帶做證據對我們有利,這樣想對嗎?

您們可以要求,但是這個資料是否對您們有利,實在很難說,同時根據老貓手上的資料(雖然這是聯邦法庭的資料,但是應該與州法庭相差不會很大),以2004年為例,任何被charge Class A misdemeanor的案件,大約七成是律師與檢察官達成認罪協議取得輕判,隻有14%的案件真正進入庭訊,所以您最佳的考慮是如果您們能取得認罪協定,可能是處理這個案件最好的方式.

I don't think you can get the record at all. Don't count on it. Discuss with your lawyer on it thoroughly before you go to the court.

萬分感謝了!我們隻求破財消災,如果後果隻是付罰金,多少我們都願意接受。這件事裏ld做了很多不明智的事,比如違章停車,反複要求不要拖走車,沒有把威脅call police當回事。。。我已經反複教育ld了,ld現在也很後悔處理不當。但是我們真不覺得這些錯誤deserve一個criminal charge啊!我們代我們的小寶寶謝謝大家了!

