1.這個case 有多嚴重?最壞的情況,會判什麽?會坐牢嗎?會被直接遞解出境嗎?我們被criminal 和 battery這樣的單詞嚇到了,很嚴重嗎?可是他肯定沒有身體接觸那個警察或者說髒話或者威脅性的話啊!
Depends on the facts. Assuming what you said is true, I don't think there is going to be jail time. There won't be 遞解出境 for sure. This is not too serious. But remember, respect the law in the future. Don't be emotional now as it DOES NOT help. EMOTION got your hu*****and in trouble before. Please do not act now as if you guys are victims. Your hu*****and broke the law on parking for sure. Get a lawyer qualified to practice in IL.
2.下月上庭審判後,怎樣的結果會留案底?怎樣的結果會對以後的簽證,找工作時的background check,綠卡等留下不好影響的記錄?
With a good lawyer and a clean background, there won't be 案底 for this or ipact on your greencard.
Getting arrested is a mistake made by your hu*****and. Signed a piece of paper without knowing what he signed up for is another mistake. Get a lawyer. Respect the law.
3.battery到底什麽定義?different definition in different states. 對方是警察是不是罪加一等? I am not sure, but it is certainly not good. 後來我的美國朋友告訴我,根據我的描述,他們覺得可能拖車的不是真的警察,而是機場的security person,所以才會說叫警察,去警局後他們就走了,處理的是另外的警察。
伊州的律師 for sure.
5.找律師要找專長是battery的律師,還是專長是移民法的律師?Criminal lawyer is the best. Talk to your lawyer on the immigration concern. 另外需要一個翻譯嗎? NO
6.據說機場都有security camera的,我們作為個人可以要求看嗎?或者我們請的律師能要求看嗎?還是法庭才有權利?-- your lwyer will tell you. 因為ld比較自信肯定沒有身體接觸,我們覺得可能用錄像帶做證據對我們有利,這樣想對嗎? sure, but at this point, you don't even know the charges that might be.
Bottom line: get a lawyer. Don't act as if you are a victim. You are anything but a victim.
回複:泣血求助!老公被charge 襲擊交警,下月出庭!
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04/11/2008 postreply
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04/11/2008 postreply
回複:回複:泣血求助!老公被charge 襲擊交警,下月出庭!
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04/11/2008 postreply