they have two young kids. She's living with her hu*****and's brother and wife. She doesn't need to pay the rent since the duplex belongs to the family but she doesn't know who paid for the house. She said it might be her brother in laws. Now the city will buy the land and they say will give the tenant some moeny so that means she can get some money too. However, her sister in law started to threaten her, curse at her and even threantens to kill her children-two lovely boys. She wants to move out but has no income. They live on food stamps and one kid's cash aid since the kids' age was just one year apart. So there is no one she can afford the rent. Is it possible for her to get part of the house's ownership or get some compensation? She said even the brother in law won't give her any money. He used to help her but his wife is too jealous now. Please share your suggestions. I really feel sorry for her. She's here alone with no relatives and her deceased hu*****and was Vietnamese Chinese. I think she deserves to get some inheritence even just for her two sons. I felt so sorry when she told me this in tears. Please help.
Old Cat Please.A friend's husband died 3 yrs ago and
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03/07/2008 postreply
She said the subsidized house is only for 5 yrs and she already
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03/07/2008 postreply
How those black guys live in USA?
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03/07/2008 postreply
She lives with her husband's brother's family so long?
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03/07/2008 postreply
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03/07/2008 postreply
CALL the local housingauthority, the rent is on ur income.
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03/07/2008 postreply