請問老貓,該起訴醫生 還是醫院?
我 在一家著名醫院住院 4 天 被懷裏是肺tumor並告訴我原來的醫生 (是我在健康中心的醫生我被診斷為結核)排除肺結核 必須停用抗結核藥( 我已吃藥3周), 但是我在這家醫院作作活檢後被
告之取的組織太少而不能確診。因此我回中國作第二次活檢被確診為結核。這時候我已停用抗結核藥長達2個月. (我的帳單是$15,000 全部自付醫院拒結明細表 )我是否該起訴該起訴醫生還是醫院被誤診
Because they let me stop to take my medicine 2 monthes( my original doctor diagnose I have T.B that why i took the T.B medicine, but the hospital doctor told me I have Lung Cancer and made me done two times Biopsy which only use to diagnosis for cancer) which I had already taken so that I need to take more than 2 months medicine ( 1.5 year) because T.B medicine has serious side effect to Liver and Kidney.
Right now, the hospital let me taking another biopsy which i refuse to do.
Misdiagonsis is what in other cases, medical malpractice occurs when physicians or health care workers fail to act upon a risk that a reasonable person in his/her position would act upon by initiating treatment.
Thanks !