(1) 難道可以因為我的greedy (即使是真的greedy 。實際是在她們的哭求下(母女倆真的都哭過))而不給我writ of restitution?
The information you provided was insufficient. For example, how long have they lived there? If the lease was for two years and they did not pay rent for the last month, obviously it is not a material breach. Whether it is a material breach depends on the the facts and is a question of degree. The judge has the discretion not to treat this as a material breach and you cannot get restitutional damage. BTW, to get restitutional damage you must return all the money they paid, minus some reasonable value of the renting. I don't think a judge would take the trouble to do this. You may get expectation damage, which is the rent. You may get an eviction.
租期從2006年11月開始,一年租期。從今年6月起沒付房租,所以7-31-2007第一次上了法庭(forcible detainer),法官判了$2661(6,7 月的租金 + late fee + 法庭費用)。為8月份準備了新合同,可沒簽成,因為她們從來沒有拿出足夠的錢來簽合同或不出現。所以我反複對法官說(9月10日):“8月份沒有簽成合同,要說租金,也隻付了8月份一半,所以要求發驅逐令。”可是法官沒有發,隻說到trial解決(其實還是他任法官)。
(2) 把母女倆付的錢分開算是不是在偏袒房客?不僅母女倆都住在那裏,而且連她們自己都沒有這麽認為。
Regardless who paid for the rent, one of them paid the rent for august and they had the right to stay. Does it matter who was the tenant, who was the assignee, who was the subleasee? I think not.
這正是我的疑問,也是我認為法官袒護房客的地方。這個問題的解釋對所有的房東都會有意義。我的理解是:法官判房客欠$2661(我對房客說應減去$1100,因為在上法庭前3天,房客在我為她開的賬號內存了$1100 (我這樣做對嗎?法律上將有無必要?因為法官判$2661是在知道房客付了$1100之後)(這$1100我在開庭前並不知道。給房客開一個賬號的目的是先前房客不付房租,總賴郵局把信丟了,所以就給她們特意開了一個賬號)),由於我減了$1100,所以仍欠$1561。我認為房客應該先付清欠的$1561,隨後付的才是8月份的房租(房客也是這樣認為的)。庭後房客付了$550,其母付了$1145,付了欠款,隻剩$134(550 + 1145 – 1561 = 134),不夠8月份的房租($1095/月),(後來我又給了她們$500的credit. 因為房客的ex-boyfriend 在7月初在我個人的另一個賬號內存了$500,房客和我都不知道。她的ex-boyfriend並不知道我的個人賬號,他對銀行說了我的名字和住在哪個城市,銀行竟然收了他的錢,銀行認為沒人會平白無故給人存錢的。銀行(Chase bank)已承認錯誤並在最近改了規定)(這裏扯遠一點:給房客開賬號其實不明智,因為一旦上了法庭(forcible detainer)有了驅逐令,房客隻要在你給他的賬號內存一點點錢,法官就認為你“接受”了房客的錢,驅逐令就無效了。切忌切忌)。可是法官的“險惡”就在這裏,他把母女倆付的錢分開看,母親不是幫女兒付欠的錢,這樣母親付的$1145就變成8 月份的房租了。母女倆先是一驚,然後大喜, 我則被氣糊塗了。怎麽也料不到法官會這麽說的。
(3) 法官為什麽不搭理我反複強調的沒有租房合同的問題?
The truth is there is a contract. For one month lease even an oral contract would suffice. The moment you took the $1145, there is contract formed. Even if your jurisdiction specifically needs a written one for statute of frauds purposes, there is still a contract because they paid the rent and took possession. Eveidently there is a contract. Something we call doctrine of partial performance. One way to bypass statute of frauds.
(4) 為什麽不讓房客有書麵的東西說明已搬出。現在我說房客在法庭上說謊,法官可以說他沒有聽見。
For a fixed term lease, one month, tenant has no obligation to notice. Not sure that is your question though.
Trial 是在9月17日(第三次上法庭),房客在9月份沒合同,沒付一分錢,怎麽也沒理了吧?可是客房說她們已於8月31日打掃完房子搬走了,並把鑰匙寄給我了。盡管我說沒收到,法官也不管,就不了了之了。法官並沒有在任何地方記下房客陳述已於何時搬出,或我可以何時進入房子之類的文字憑據。即使一小時後,我打電話去告知法官房客的謊言,法官也沒什麽表示,隻說重新再來吧。法官這樣做對嗎?另外,房客怎麽就那麽大膽,當庭撒謊,我們可都宣誓了要說實話的。難道沒有任何後果嗎?
(5) 為什麽法官在明知房客沒有合同,也沒有交9月份的房租後,仍沒有給我writ of restitution? 即使在我打電話去之後仍然沒有給我writ of restitution, 隻是叫我重新再來?
Because what the judge said, the original lease was void. You started a new lease, fixed term for one month, with the tenants. This is a different cause of action and you have to file a new claim.
天地良心(一笑),我沒有新的合同。即使按照法官的邏緝,房客母親付的$1145不是欠債,而是8月份的房租,那9月份可是什麽都沒有,並因此重新filed a new claim (從Five-day notice 開始),從而在9月10第二次出庭,和9月17日第三次出庭(這次叫trial).
(6) 最重要的是,法官沒有給我一個書麵的文件可以進出租屋,房客可以告我騷擾,丟失物品等等,我還真有大麻煩了。法官不是在坑我嗎?
Fixed term lease ends automatically at expiration date. You have the possession at the end of the lease. Anything left inside becomes yours, at least under common law. You even take posssession and sell those thing under doctrine of distraint if rent was unpaid. Modernly, you may have to go to court to file an eviction claim.
問題是我都不知道何時是expiration date,因為我根本就沒有合同,尤其是9月份。我打電話問了pre-legal service 的律師,在房客表明(在法庭上)已搬出,法官也說了我可以進入房子後 (可惜沒有書麵的證據),那天如果我進入的房子,房客又在內,會發生什麽?那個律師說房客可能告我騷擾她等等(把我嚇的)。這個律師說得對嗎?真不知道該怎麽辦?
現在找了一個律師去重新開始(第三次 Five-day notice, 好慘)。但律師說,說不準她們哪天就搬走了,門窗可以大開,別人有可能會進去(homeless),爐子等也可能被偷走,或開著水不管等等,所以要我不時去看看。問題是我去了又能怎麽樣,門開著, 或半開著我敢進去嗎?即使看見了陌生人,我該怎麽辦?
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09/26/2007 postreply
Thanks again, you are great.
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09/26/2007 postreply