do my friend has to be

there with me all the time?


回複:It's no big deal if you use the playground -morefun- 給 morefun 發送悄悄話 (66 bytes) () 06/20/2007 postreply 07:46:52

回複:回複:It's no big deal if you use the playground -wxc2008- 給 wxc2008 發送悄悄話 (14 bytes) () 06/20/2007 postreply 10:34:20

I don't think it is a big -朱珠爾- 給 朱珠爾 發送悄悄話 朱珠爾 的博客首頁 (61 bytes) () 06/20/2007 postreply 21:05:26
