回複:What will collection agency do for disputed charge?Please

1. How much is the debt? If it is less than a certain amount (like couple of thousands), it is very unlikely that they will sue you since it is not even worth the time and efforts.
2. Ask the alarm service company if they had sold the debt to the collection agency. If not, you should continue arguing with them and try to make a deal with the company. If the debt was already sold, then try to negotiate with the collection agency. Try do something like "settlement offer" and make a payment plan like 3/4 installment in a period of 3-4 months.
3. The worst damamge they can do is to sue you in small claim court if it is less than 7500 (as in California) and if they win, they can garnish your salary etc.. On top of that, they can also hit your credit which will probably leave a record for a long time. You will have problem explaining the situation to your future borrower/loaner.
4. If you don't think you owe anything at all, then you will need all the evidence and try fight it.
5. Make sure to keep a copy of all the files/letter/receipt and record phone conversation if necessary. When you send letter, do get "certified mail" and keep the receipt. that is the proof of you sending the letter on particular date --very cheap service by USPS.
I had similar experience with my apartment manager and I tried to settle the debt with them finally. Don't get frustrataed with the collection agency, just tell them don't call you at home or work, but only by mail/letters. You can send them this in written.
Good luck


Thanks a lot.$120.Still with the alarm company because -cielo- 給 cielo 發送悄悄話 cielo 的博客首頁 (316 bytes) () 05/17/2007 postreply 08:59:38

回複:Thanks a lot.$120.Still with the alarm company because -basedonmyexperien- 給 basedonmyexperien 發送悄悄話 (677 bytes) () 05/17/2007 postreply 12:20:37

Thanks for your advice. Appreciate it. -Cielo- 給 Cielo 發送悄悄話 Cielo 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/17/2007 postreply 13:55:09
