Seems you should file law suit against

清債小組 as they broke into YOUR house illegally. Note, this is between you and 清債小組, nothing to do with your sister. Maybe the 清債小組 will be willing to negotiate with you and give back your sister's passport?


Could you give me your email so that I can send you the 1000 yua -被搞糊塗的螞蟻- 給 被搞糊塗的螞蟻 發送悄悄話 (374 bytes) () 02/13/2007 postreply 17:19:56

If my idea can help, that will be enough reward. -Comfort.- 給 Comfort. 發送悄悄話 (24 bytes) () 02/14/2007 postreply 13:50:57

回複:If my idea can help, that will be enough reward. -被搞糊塗的螞蟻- 給 被搞糊塗的螞蟻 發送悄悄話 (93 bytes) () 02/14/2007 postreply 14:17:15
