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回答: 我老公應該把他前妻作為dependant嗎?請教。2005-06-22 10:20:19

加州family code
2) Until judgment has been entered on all remaining issues and
has become final, the party shall maintain all existing health and
medical insurance coverage for the other party and the minor children
as named dependents, so long as the party is legally able to do so.
At the time the party is no longer legally eligible to maintain the
other party as a named dependent under the existing health and
medical policies, the party or the party's estate shall, at the party'
s sole expense, purchase and maintain health and medical insurance
coverage that is comparable to the existing health and medical
insurance coverage. If comparable insurance coverage is not
obtained, the party or the party's estate is responsible for the
health and medical expenses incurred by the other party that would
have been covered by the insurance coverage, and shall indemnify and
hold the other party harmless from any adverse consequences resulting
from the lack of insurance


2337. (a) In a proceeding for dissolution of marriage, the court,
upon noticed motion, may sever and grant an early and separate trial
on the issue of the dissolution of the status of the marriage apart
from other issues.
(b) A preliminary declaration of disclosure with a completed
schedule of assets and debts shall be served on the nonmoving party
with the noticed motion unless it has been served previously, or
unless the parties stipulate in writing to defer service of the
preliminary declaration of disclosure until a later time.
(c) The court may impose upon a party any of the following
conditions on granting a severance of the issue of the dissolution of
the status of the marriage, and in case of that party's death, an
order of any of the following conditions continues to be binding upon
that party's estate:
(1) The party shall indemnify and hold the other party harmless
from any taxes, reassessments, interest, and penalties payable by the
other party if the dissolution of the marriage before the division
of the parties' community estate results in a taxable event to either
of the parties by reason of the ultimate division of their community
estate, which taxes would not have been payable if the parties were
still married at the time the division was made.
(2) Until judgment has been entered on all remaining issues and
has become final, the party shall maintain all existing health and
medical insurance coverage for the other party and the minor children
as named dependents, so long as the party is legally able to do so.
At the time the party is no longer legally eligible to maintain the
other party as a named dependent under the existing health and
medical policies, the party or the party's estate shall, at the party'
s sole expense, purchase and maintain health and medical insurance
coverage that is comparable to the existing health and medical
insurance coverage. If comparable insurance coverage is not
obtained, the party or the party's estate is responsible for the
health and medical expenses incurred by the other party that would
have been covered by the insurance coverage, and shall indemnify and
hold the other party harmless from any adverse consequences resulting
from the lack of insurance.
(3) Until judgment has been entered on all remaining issues and
has become final, the party shall indemnify and hold the other party
harmless from any adverse consequences resulting to the other party
if the bifurcation results in a termination of the other party's
right to a probate homestead in the residence in which the other
party resides at the time the severance is granted.
(4) Until judgment has been entered on all remaining issues and
has become final, the party shall indemnify and hold the other party
harmless from any adverse consequences resulting to the other party
if the bifurcation results in the loss of the rights of the other
party to a probate family allowance as the surviving spouse of the
(5) Until judgment has been entered on all remaining issues and
has become final, the party shall indemnify and hold the other party
harmless from any adverse consequences resulting to the other party
if the bifurcation results in the loss of the other party's rights to
pension benefits, elections, or survivors' benefits under the party'
s pension or retirement plan to the extent that the other party would
have been entitled to those benefits or elections as the surviving
spouse of the party.
(6) Prior to entry of judgment terminating status, both of the
following shall occur:
(A) The party's retirement or pension plan shall be joined as a
party to the proceeding for dissolution.
(B) If applicable, an order pursuant to Section 2610 shall be
entered with reference to the defined benefit or similar plan pending
the ultimate resolution of the distribution of benefits under the
employee benefit plan.
(7) The party shall indemnify and hold the other party harmless
from any adverse consequences if the bifurcation results in the loss
of rights to social security benefits or elections to the extent the
other party would have been entitled to those benefits or elections
as the surviving spouse of the party.
(8) Any other condition the court determines is just and
(d) A judgment granting a dissolution of the status of the
marriage shall expressly reserve jurisdiction for later determination
of all other pending issues.
(e) If the party dies after the entry of judgment granting a
dissolution of marriage, any obligation imposed by this section shall
be enforceable against any asset, including the proceeds thereof,
against which these obligations would have been enforceable prior to
the person's death.


這就是說 -howcome- 給 howcome 發送悄悄話 (173 bytes) () 06/24/2005 postreply 15:15:12

回複:這是指對方沒有工作無謀生能力且無法取得證府保險的情況 -單身老貓- 給 單身老貓 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/29/2005 postreply 19:07:40
