鄰居砍樹前,找我們說樹在我家, 要split the cost.
我們很肯定的告訴鄰居,樹在他家, 我們不負擔砍樹費用。
昨天,他請人砍了樹,發電子郵件給我, 把話塞在我嘴裏說那天我同意樹在我家而且同意了要出一半的錢。
還有就是,我現在和隊友有分歧。我要嚴肅對待,隊友擔心影響和鄰居的關係,可我覺得對方已經開始編假話了,已經不在我信任和友好相處的範圍了, 對不對?
剛剛隊友提供了他們之間的電郵, 我不知道怎麽辦了,大家給出點主意吧, 多謝
Hope all is well.
This is your neighbor next to your house on XXXX XXXXX.
The tree we talked about several weeks ago is dying. I guess the roots become loose.
This weekend a tropical storm will impact our area. Please pay attention to the tree due to heavy rain and gust.
I visited our township recently and got my property map. The tree is not on my territory. Township provides a free map for us.
Please contact me at xxx-xxx-xxxx for any concerns.
Thank you,
Have a nice safe weekend!
Hope all is well, The tree was removed (except for the base) on Saturday. Previously as discussed, we agreed it was on your property and agreed to split the cost. I believe it is on your property based on where the property lines were marked in 2000 when I purchased my home. I would appreciate reimbursing half the cost for the tree removal $###/2=$### (as was quoted). When you have free time, I would like to see the document from the township as in my experience the only true way to determine exact property lines is to conduct a survey.
Thank you
Xxxxx xxxxxxx