幾年前在County Tax Foreclosure Auction上買了一小塊地,地上有一條人工水渠連接兩個湖。水渠穿過一共七塊地,大部分在地下,小部分在地上。其它六塊地上都已經在好多年前建了房子,隻有我這一塊空地。2021年底,我開始啟動土地開發,準備建Single Family House,馬上收到HOA的律師信說:HOA長年維護水渠,有“Prescriptive Easement”。“Because of my client’s prescriptive easement right it is highly unlikely that the lot could support any development” “You must recognize that your apparent attempt to develop this lot will cut off the flow of the water…..the Association will take whatever legal steps are necessary to ensure that the free flow of water across your property does not get curtailed”
收到信後,我就給律師打電話問他是如何得出上麵的結論的。他說,他到我地上看了看,又在地圖上看了看,覺得我的地不能開發。我說,你是Civil Engineer或Architect嗎?他說不是。我說你一個律師看兩眼就能確定一塊地能否開發,那還要Engineer們幹什麽?
正好趕上HOA開會,我就去會上找HOA談。結果HOA主席很牛逼,不和我談,讓我去找律師談。沒辦法,我就給律師發Email要證據 支持他信裏的結論:1. 此地不能開發,2. 如果開發將切斷水渠。律師再無音信了。
2022年11月,正在我申請Permit的過程中,又收到律師信,先說 “You have received a building permit from County to make improvement to the subject property” 還說:”HOA believes that it is imperative that it have some form of an agreement with you and future owners of the subject property to ensure that it can enter the subject property without permission to maintain the system……..I request that you contact me within the next ten days to discuss what form of agreement would be appropriate for this situation” 我並不介意簽個Easement,但我並沒有得到Permit,並不知道County最後會要我如果處理水渠,再加上他們對我的態度,我就沒答理他們。
上周HOA正式起訴 “Complaint to Quiet Title on Prescriptive or Implied Easement”, 我馬上給律師和HOA寫Email要他們提供Proposed Easement文件。結果對方不回複。我又給律師打了兩個電話,留了Message,對方也不回複。看起來HOA和律師就是想讓我花錢找律師處理這件起訴。
昨天找了我的律師聊了一下,他說地是從Tax Foreclosure Auction上買的,“Prescriptive Easement” 應該不存在了,但還要查一下相關案例確認。他要收$3500打這個官司,並且這種案子,即使我們贏了,對方一般也不用付我的律師費。
- 我覺得花$3500,最後與HOA簽個Easement,太貴了。有方法避免嗎?
- 我可以自己應訴嗎?地的Owner是我個人的LLC。但我對法庭的流程了解不多,怕萬一什麽文件沒File,產生不良後果。
- HOA與其它6塊地的Owner都沒簽Easement,現在盯上我,這算不算Discrimination?可不可以反訴?
注:案子在Washington State,本人有土地開發經驗。