I don't know if you are a lawyer or not, even you are, you are not a good one for sure.
Now who can help him most? Nobody but his wife!!!! Even he doesn't love his wife any more, he doesn't need to hurt her, hurt her mom. He still wants her help, he can act as a gentleman, walk away, move out, how difficult it would be? Why keeps complaining to everybody, everywhere?
"我是會介意在別人拉過屎的碗裏吃飯的", you're really a sick man. I don't know if ur wife was a virgin or not when u got married with her. If not, if you在別人拉過屎的碗裏吃飯的? PLease respect women.
作為律師? I don't think u can do
作為律師? I don't think u can do
(116 bytes)
05/14/2005 postreply
回複:作為律師? I don't think u can d
(256 bytes)
05/14/2005 postreply
回複:作為律師? I don't think u can d
(578 bytes)
05/14/2005 postreply
can't aggree with you anymore.
(323 bytes)
05/14/2005 postreply
I agree they start to divorce!
(337 bytes)
05/14/2005 postreply