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回答: 心裏長草 Unclaimed BankAcctXGXX2021-06-04 20:43:46

When a saving / investment account is not access for a period of time, the bank is required by state law to turn over the property inside that account to the state.  This is called Escheatment.

In California, the state take hold of the property, and you can reclaim it by searching on this website.

In fact, I encourage everyone to search the escheament database in all states they ever lived in.  Sometimes the refund from a utility company were not claimed and are sent into escheatment. 

So in your case, it is likely that a person with your name has such money in the state escheatment database.  That's how those companies found it.  They are making 20% off you, but you can do your own claim and get the 100% money for yourself. 

Good luck. 

