回複:staying in the US is a

來源: wal-mart 2003-12-29 19:52:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (534 bytes)
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回答: 回複:Re: I was movedwal-mart2003-12-29 18:19:00
I never say such thought is not legitimate. I just do not think it is appropriate. Maybe that bastard succeeded just because she was too concerned about staying in the US. She was afraid of losing the job and losing the status. There many varety of desires, concerns, or values in our lives. What matters is which one you put in the highest priority, which one you won't exchange for anything, which one you will sacrifice your life for. "betrayed" maybe a little too harsh. "disappointed" may be a better word to express my feeling.



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