再請教老貓: EEOC and sign separatio agreement

回答: 再請教老貓: 炒魷魚求助rong6137392019-02-13 18:29:37

謝謝老貓詳細解答. 我還有問題關於EEOC.

1. 如果簽了Separation Agreement. 我還能向EEOC投訴嗎? 或投訴還有用嗎?

2. 我對Separation Agreement中一條不理解.

However, to the extent permitted by applicalbe law, by signing this Agreement I am waiving any right to individual relief based on claims asserted in such a charge or complaint, or asserted by any third-party on my behalf, except for any right I amy have to receive payment from a government aency(and not from Company) for information provided to the government agency.

這句是不是說即使EEOC裁定公司應付我錢, 我也不能拿了?


