老貓,您好!我太太於2014年12月在芝加哥 郊區的醫院生孩子時不幸亡故,原因最後確認是羊水栓塞。小孩子成功搶救下來, 但是缺氧,Apgar scores: 1 at 1 minute of birth (weak heart rate only), 5 at 5 minutes, and 6 at 10 minutes. 後來在NICU治療了兩個星期。現在18個月大了,暫時沒發現後遺症。事後找了兩個美國律師,第一個說,if serious sequela with baby, it would be a good case. 我不能接受,就換成第二個律師,簽了合同,但review case後,他認為很難打贏,不接了。我太太是40歲的高齡產婦,是頭胎,嚴格遵醫囑產檢,有妊娠糖尿病,但還被要求自己生。下麵是我太太medicine records.
P. 108 Dr. Morris was at her bedside at 7 PM
Around 9 PM, she started complaining of intense pain.
P. 123, her vitals were very unstable by 9:36
Her vitals remained very unstable, but Dr. Morris wasn't there
P. 130, Dr. Morris paged at 10:30
P. 132, Dr. Morris on the phone (not at her bedside) at 10:45
P. 133, Dr. Morris remains on the phone
P. 137, Dr. Morris paged and notified at 11:30
P. 138, situation rapidly deteriorated
P. 139, Dr. Banuelos and Morris finally showed up at around 11:40
P. 140, she lost vitals
According to the records on P123 and P139, Dr. Mossis was paged at 22:26, but he finally showed up at 23:45.
It's later than Dr. Danuelos (onsite doctor) who was at bedside at 23:41.
1, After page, we kept asking where Dr. Morris was. What we were told that he's at home & he's on the way to hospital.
However, Dr. Morris said he had stayed at hospital since 19:00. Why did he lie?
2, It took 1 hour and 19 minutes from paging to showing up.
Is it reasonable?