No worry

本帖於 2005-02-04 13:33:33 時間, 由普通用戶 stp 編輯
回答: 我剛從警察局出來WhatCanIdo?2005-01-29 05:29:08

some of the good points:
1) go to court and plead not guilty
2)work with your wife to have the case dismissed, can be easily done.
3) divorce your wife after step 2. A woman who put you in such situation does NOT deserve your rest of life.

I had similar experience. My ex was habitually violent and one night, she hit me and I lost my cool. She called police and I was arrested. she later regret and my case was dismissed. But I divorce her soon after, even we had 2 kids together. A woman like that will probably send you into more serious trouble in the future.


you are a cool-blooded -man- 給 man 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/02/2005 postreply 21:54:35

not as cold blooded as -woman!- 給 woman! 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/03/2005 postreply 08:32:27
