"Peter Liang案死者一方到現在還未提起民事訴訟,你們為什麽迫不及待?"
被前梁警官打死的黑人的親屬(女兒和其母親)已在2015年的5月就提起了民事訴訟(事發時是2014年11月, 判決在2016年2月):
The lawsuit was filed Thursday. It names the officer who shot Akai Gurley, the officer's partner and the city's Housing Authority. The suit, which has been filed on behalf of Gurley's daughter and her mother, was announced by attorney Scott Rynecki.
"The filing of the civil complaint is another step in the fight for justice for the reckless shooting of Akai Gurley by police officer Peter Liang," Rynecki said in a statement.