A contract signed by one party is called "offer"

來源: 檸檬椰子汁 2016-03-23 10:15:43 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (768 bytes)
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回答: That is not entirely truejingxi022016-03-23 08:59:28

Like when you buy a house, you sign a purchase contract, give it to the seller.  That's an offer.  Multiple parties can do this and the seller would have multiple offers. The offers do not bind the buyers until the seller choose one offer and signs that paper, then that and only that offer becomes a contract.  

You cannot go to court with a paper containing only signature from the other party and enforce it.  You have to add your signature before the contract is valid.  In another word, you can't have a contract only binds the other party but not you.  You can't have your cake and eat it too. 




That is exactly what "Pending" means -jingxi02- 給 jingxi02 發送悄悄話 (1498 bytes) () 03/23/2016 postreply 11:13:58

don't reinvent the wheel -檸檬椰子汁- 給 檸檬椰子汁 發送悄悄話 (571 bytes) () 03/23/2016 postreply 13:05:33

Knowing the reality is more important -jingxi02- 給 jingxi02 發送悄悄話 (424 bytes) () 03/23/2016 postreply 15:23:22



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