
來源: wal-mart 2003-11-22 06:34:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (652 bytes)
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"No fault" means one party's insurer pays the other party's damage within the former's policy limit without litigating the issue of fault (which one is more negligent and should bear more of the total damage) in the court. As explained below, A's insurer pays B's damage, while B's insurer pays A's damage. No fault insurance usually has a statutory minimum coverage (the policy limit may be higher), which may vary from state to state. If one party's damage is higher than the minimum coverage and policy limit and the other party's insurer will refuse to pay the part over the limit, of course, the parties will litigate the fault issue in the court.



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