Only some non-taxable expenses

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回答: 問個退稅的問題。被IRS 查了sportfan2014-12-17 08:02:28
Some of the expense is taxable, some are non-taxable.  Non-taxable expenses are deducitble.

"Can the employee take a deduction on their individual income tax return for reimbursed moving expenses?

Reimbursed "non-taxable" moving expenses are not deductible on the employee's individual income tax return, if those expenses have not been reported as taxable wages. If the employee has been reimbursed for "non-taxable" moving expenses, either directly or via a third party, there are no tax implications on the employee's tax return (no moving-expense deduction should be claimed). If the amounts are reported as taxable in the W-2, the employee can take a deduction on their U.S. federal individual income tax return for the qualified moving expenses.

See earlier in the article on what is non-taxable. 


多謝您的詳細解釋。 -sportfan- 給 sportfan 發送悄悄話 sportfan 的博客首頁 (118 bytes) () 12/17/2014 postreply 10:45:15

你確信看明白了? -水中撈月- 給 水中撈月 發送悄悄話 水中撈月 的博客首頁 (544 bytes) () 12/17/2014 postreply 12:11:39

因為那筆錢在我的pay stub 裏注明是taxable wages -sportfan- 給 sportfan 發送悄悄話 sportfan 的博客首頁 (242 bytes) () 12/17/2014 postreply 12:28:47

公司給你3萬搬家,其中1萬給IRS交稅,2萬你給了搬家公司,哪筆錢是你出的? -慧惠- 給 慧惠 發送悄悄話 慧惠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 12/17/2014 postreply 12:35:53

糊塗,公司為你出了錢,也就是相當於reimbursed了你的費用, -水中撈月- 給 水中撈月 發送悄悄話 水中撈月 的博客首頁 (292 bytes) () 12/17/2014 postreply 12:38:59

我覺得,這筆taxable wages 造成我W2上數額增大很多 -sportfan- 給 sportfan 發送悄悄話 sportfan 的博客首頁 (358 bytes) () 12/17/2014 postreply 12:52:37

建議你去上一個報稅速成班。或者以後報稅請專業人士打理, -水中撈月- 給 水中撈月 發送悄悄話 水中撈月 的博客首頁 (189 bytes) () 12/17/2014 postreply 13:12:40

允許別人戰鬥中成長嘛。我從2009年就被IRS盯著的,年年出小錯,要重報一次 -慧惠- 給 慧惠 發送悄悄話 慧惠 的博客首頁 (42 bytes) () 12/17/2014 postreply 13:27:42

這條不適用於LZ。LZ的情形屬於taxable fringe benefit, 不是reimbursement. -我愛拉氏- 給 我愛拉氏 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/17/2014 postreply 11:10:34

some moving expense is EXCLUDED from fringe benefit -lexm5- 給 lexm5 發送悄悄話 (190 bytes) () 12/17/2014 postreply 11:28:32



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