I got warning on the light problem. I violated V12500 (a) for driving alone with permit only . I need pay 402 dollars fine or go to walk in court to speak with the judge. It is the only charge since I came to USA.
more details
• Dismiss the case entirly may be possible but least likely -jingxi02- ♀ (816 bytes) () 07/16/2014 postreply 20:15:51
• 這是misdemeanor,不是一般infraction, 你要不是專業的,最好慎重發表意見。 -nj_guy- ♂ (0 bytes) () 07/16/2014 postreply 22:23:45
• Thank you very much! -jennapl- ♀ (77 bytes) () 07/17/2014 postreply 10:56:24