You should always be honest with Immigration regarding all:
Arrests (including those by police, Immigration Officers, and other Federal Agents);
convictions (even if they have been expunged); and
crimes you have committed for which you were not arrested orconvicted.
Even if you have committed a minor crime, Immigration may deny your application if you do not tell the Immigration officer about the incident. It is extremely important that you tell Immigration about any arrest even if someone else has advised you that you are not required to do so.
基本上這個問題的答案是 "沒有人有確定的答覆"理由很簡單
移民官在裁決你的申請時本著是"自由心證",所以沒有預設的立場,當然他們也有一定的指導原則,(例如你要是屬於"東突"的成員就不用考律歸化了 :-) 所以最後的關鍵仍然在於你臨場的表現,為什麼我建議這種case應有律師陪同麵試,理由即在此,一般我們的同胞說英文時經常代有極重的口音,加上心情緊張,往往辭不達意,所以移民官往往很難了解你在說什麼 ?
希望這樣的答覆對各位有幫助 !