各位,由於購買的房子在賣方修理之後仍有standing water,作為買房,我們終止了合同。 但是賣方認為我們沒和他們確認就終止了合同,而且他們的房子在我們的房子close的前二天close,賣方要告我們影響了他們買的房子所鎖定的利率等等。
Resolution period. Seller and buyer shall have a period of 7 days following receipt the above stated written list (Resolution period)to reach a mutual aggreements as to items to be reparied or replaced with like quality or value by seller, which shall be
evidenced by the Repair/Replacement Amendment or written equivalents. The parties agree to negotiate reparis in good faith during the resolution period. In the event sellor or buyer do not reach a mutual written resolution during such resolution period or a mutually agreeable written extension thereof as evidenced in an Amendment to this agreement signed by both parties within said of period of time, this agreement is hereby terminated. If terminated, buyer is entiltiled to a refund of the earnest money.
根據修理合同,賣方說明“standing water will be removed and every reasonable effort made mitigate future water intrusion into crawl space.” 可是,二次檢查後,report說明,還有standing water。我們自己也照了清楚的照片。在7天之內,我們要求終止合同,
2。對方簽字終止合同,說扣下我們的錢,然後還要告我們。我們找了律師,律師要求對方簽字雙方不在互告,然後我們把earnest money 給他們。
謝謝大家的幫助,謝謝lexm5 和單身老貓。敬請各位賜教。萬分感激。