同意 laborlaw 的說法,你這個案件恐怕得找律師上庭處理,因為您這種情況並不是 reckless driving 的定義是 operation of an automobile in a dangerous manner under the circumstances, including speeding (or going too fast for the conditions, even though within the posted speed limit), driving after drinking (but not drunk), having too many passengers in the car, cutting in and out of traffic, failing to yield to other vehicles, and other negligent acts. It is a misdemeanor crime. A "wet reckless" is a plea in a drunk driving prosecution allowed to lessen the penalty when the blood alcohol level is close to the minimum allowed by law.
所以除非你當時是醉酒駕駛或是剋藥,你這種情況是屬於新手的意外,同時您應該不是故意為之 (wanton) 所以 a:9 應該不適用於您. (除非您是逆向行車)
如果 a:9 這條不成立,您的保險應該負擔理賠的責任.
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05/02/2014 postreply