
回答: 請教老貓,關於在加州離婚ssll2013-10-22 20:13:34

Get a complete list of properties. Categorize the properties in terms of community property and separate property. List dates the property was acquired, price, and present market price. Get documents on bank accounts, disability insurance accounts, tax forms, 1099, health insurance, property tax bill, etc.

You can get half of his disability insurance benefit. Get a copy of the pre-nup. Consult an attorney to determine its validity. There may be a lot more you can get.

3)丈夫是兩人信用卡的primary card holder,他有權取消妻子的信用卡使用權嗎?或者,他有權不付信用卡賬單嗎?家裏的錢都是丈夫掌控。
He can cancel your card but he must pay for the bill. Get a credit card for yourself.

There are legal aid in each county.

Depends on how he paid for the mortgage, it is probably community property. You can live in the house if there is nowhere to go. He must support you and cannot leave you out in destitute.
