
回答: 回複:請問家暴綠卡申請8632112013-09-15 15:49:21
1. Applying for U Visa has some requirements including substantial abuse and cooperation with DA.  Therefore, your spouse has to consult an experienced immigration lawyer.  If that means she cannot speak for you, then you will get more chance to get convicted, which probably means you will never be able to come back to U.S. unless some miracle occurs, e.g. the President or state governor gives pardon to you.

2. If you can get an offer學習一年後expungement without pleading guilty, that means your case will be dimissed.  Then no worries.

3. It is suggested do not expunge the criminal record, at least not too early, because later when you want to get some official proof from the court, e.g. some additional request from immigration service, you will not be able to get it any more.

4. There is no requirements for PR application that no criminal record for the past 5 years.  Citizenship requires 7 years of good behavior.


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