有幾位剛剛在美國讀完教育專業學士或碩士的學生來應聘。他們目前有的是F1,有的是J1,這些簽證不能合法工作。 但他們說移民局從他們畢業之日起給他們一年時間的美國合法工作簽證,如果雇主願意可以為他們申請H1B簽證。我已經查閱過移民局的網站,但還有些疑惑。
1, 是否可以合法聘用他們?
-Yes if they are qualified for work.
2, 如果聘用他們是否必須為他們申請H1B?
-Yes for F-1 holders, but no for J-1 holders unless they have J-1 waiver.
3,如果現在聘用,他們仍然是持一年的有效工卡,也許是F1或其它。但是在為他們申請H1B期間和在正式拿到H1B之前,作為雇主,我是否必須按照H1BSponsor 的規定支付工資,並且遵守一切有關H1B的法律?
-No until they work as H-1 holder.
3, 如果同意為他們申請H1B可否中途撤銷申請? (因為各種原因,如工作表現等。)
4, 如果撤銷申請或雇員在申請期間自動離職,作為雇主,我是否必須負責其回國機票費用?
5, 雇主還有那些主要的法律責任?
-The H-1 employees have the same right on the benefits (e.g. salary, retirement, health insurance, etc.) as the other employees (e.g. green card holder, US citizen) have. If the H-1 employee is laid off and he/she want to go back to his/her home country immediately, you need to pay the air ticket fee. But if he/she does not want to leave US after being laid off, you do not have this responsibility. If he/she quits the job, you do not have this responsibility either.
Also, the employer needs to pay the H-1 petition costs e.g. filing fee, the lawyer service fee (if any) unless the employee is paid higher salary than the H-1 prevail wage level.