




* On 7/28/2009, I found that there is a fraud trasaction on 7/27/2009 in our Saving Account (00 XXXXXXX1618) :


"TRANSFER ???:Pavel Makarov Confirmation# 4671969561 ". This person took $2000 from this saving account.


I called the customer service of BankOfAmerca, then  went to the bank office at Independence   to report the event (at about 12:00pm lunch time). An employee in the office worked with me. According to her suggesstion, we open other new accounts(Checking and Saving). And transferred all saving account account money $54379.32  from the old account to the new saving account. I were told that BankofAmerica would take care of everything so we did not need worry.






*Early this morning(July 29, 2009), I found that that there was $1991.21 was stolen from our new saving account(2282). I called the bankofamerica right away at about 8:30am. The people of BankofAmerica who answered me seem not to be able to help so they transferr me from one department to another . .. I went to the office at Independence   again at about 10:15am and met Ashley. I reported what happened to my new account. She could not help either. What she suggested is that we need call Fraud Department by ourseves and this is only method I can do. I feel very unconfortable about the service both in the office and on phone and feel helpless. I had called many, many times and always did not get right department or right person who can provide help or solution.  So I wanted to take all money in the saving account away to create other account in another bank.




    When I went to a cashier and ask her to write cashier check of all amount left in the saving account which was supposed to be $52K something, she told me that the amount was only $49388.12. --- there was another $3000.00 was stolen right when I were in the bank office when I talked to Ashley about the fraud issue.  I were shocked to hear that and ask her why ? I asked them I need our account protected or at least tofreeze or lock our saving account.  She said there's nothing she or people in the office can help. 




   Everyone in the bankofamerica both on phone or in the offices seem to move meto next department or people. They seem not to be alble to help and not be willing to help at all.




* at 12:00pm, I called Fraud Department (800-317-??45) and talked to a lady called JenRose. I express her my concern and complain that I had to repeat story again and again, and every person can donothing other than transferr me from one person to next . Just No one can really help or protect my account by any mean. JenRose said that the all three fraud trasactoin were filed claim so I don't need worry about that. I asked her again to make sure ALL three trasaction were filed claim. She asnwered me YES. JenRose gave me a number 866-376-??84, telling me that I can get solution for sure from this phone number




* At 12:15pm, I alled 866-376-??84 and talked to a person named joe and told him the story again. I am surprised that they don't have any record note. Then he told me a person named Summer already filed claim for me. He gave me the number: 558-451-??35. He said that Summer can surely help me.




*At 12:28pm right after talking to Joe, I called Summer. Summer was not there. I left voice mail asking her to call me back as soon as possilbe and repeated the sotry again briefly. 




*at 1:07pm ,  I didn't get Summer's calling back. So I called again and got another phone number from Summer's phone announcement. The phone number is: 559-451-??60 which is for immediate attention.




* At 1:10pm, I called 559-451-??60, and talked to a person named: Mark Ituarte. I repeated the sotry to him again. He checked my account information. He said the two fraud transaction have not been filed yet --- this is totally different from what I was told earlier. He filed the claim for the two transaction ($1991.21 on July 28, 2009; $3000.00 on July 29, 2009). And he from now on, I can contact 866-376-??84 to get exact right person and answer. I actually told him the last four phone number before he told me . --- and told him I was given area code 559 number from them. It is really radiculous that they gave me phone numbers each other, only no body can help. Then Ituarate told me that I can check my status tomorrow.






* Summer did not return me call today even the message I left to her voice mail yesterday telling her it is urgent.






* Summer did not return me call today either




* I logined to the account. And very surprised saw that there was another BIG trasaction withdrawing money at amount of  -$888,888.88 from my saving account (48???842282) again today. This must happened at late this afternoon because I logined to the account early this afternoon and did not see this transaction. Here is the detail copied from the online:






* I called 559-451-??60 and talked to a lady named nicole at abut 5:10pm. I expressed my extreme worry and concern. I told her that it is not just a crime. This is really radicurous that the program of BankofAmerica even accept such transaction --- my account balance was negative (luckly I moved the rest of amount to ChaseBank on July 29, 2009. Otherwise, all money would have been gone!). It is very radicurous that the bankofamerica allowed the 2nd and 3rd fraud transaction happened after I reported the first fraud transaction to them. Do bankoamerica have any security ? Do they really care about their customers's feeling. I understand there are some fraud and I were very polite, understanding, patient, trusting and professional manner when I reported /called them about the first , 2nd inccident. What I got is I were  transferred  from department to another department, from one person to another person when I called BankofAmerica. But nobody can really help.  They can at least freeze our accounts(and this is what I asked them to do). But fraud transaction just keeps happening. This really spiritually hurt me and make me can not sleep at all. Nicole asked me for my phone number and told me in about five minutes, someone who can really help will definitely call us back.




*I was waiting for BankofAmerica calling back as Nicole promised. At 6:05pm, I still didn't get phone call yet ( at 6:05pm). I called 559-451-??60 again at 6:06pm, and talked to Victor and repeated the story again! I expressed him my worry and concern. I told Victor my phone call to BankofAmerica can not just be transferred from one person to another and never get solution . He told me that one person named Lisa Sheng is working on this issue and would call me back for sure and he said Lisa will certainly solve the problem. Victor gave me Lisa's phone number 980-683--??46







** I just don't understand that how the System of BankofAmerica keep letting this happen again and again after we reported the first inccident, how come it takes such long time they still don't have any clue where money were transferred to (which country, which bank, which account, which IP addresses). How come their system can not set some criteria to stop this theft ?





have you filed lawsuit against BoA? -用戶名被占用了- 給 用戶名被占用了 發送悄悄話 用戶名被占用了 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/12/2013 postreply 17:58:19

At last, have you gotten back all lost money? -snowlover2011- 給 snowlover2011 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/12/2013 postreply 18:07:23

Here is another my note. -狼的傳人- 給 狼的傳人 發送悄悄話 (832 bytes) () 01/12/2013 postreply 19:09:47

Thank you for sharing your story. -snowlover2011- 給 snowlover2011 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/13/2013 postreply 17:23:00

There was am similar case from BOA in that period. -zhichi- 給 zhichi 發送悄悄話 zhichi 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/13/2013 postreply 19:36:29

A question for you. -ojx111- 給 ojx111 發送悄悄話 (73 bytes) () 01/19/2013 postreply 20:01:51
