回複:child support against trust

回答: child support against trustwondering20062012-09-25 19:51:42

Perry court increased child support payment because (1) in the previous support order Keith the settlor claimed large medical expenses which after his death the "money" was freed up, and (2) after his death his daughter received $434 per month in social security survivor benefit.

In your case, since there is little income from the house, it is hard to say what a judge would do. If there is arrearage in support, you can put a lien on the house and foreclose it or the judge could order a sale. In my opinion it would be extremely difficult to do that for future child support. For one thing that if the house was sold the grandparents might be left on the street in destitute, which is not reasonable at all. On the other hand, the child does need support now.

Try to establish your case with DCSS and ask them what to do.
