
來源: Henxiaoloulou 2012-05-06 13:10:27 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3094 bytes)
回答: 急求版主和懂法的朋友幫助applebee12012-05-05 10:33:56



One of Basic Eligibility Requirements:
You must have an approvable job separation; the law imposes a disqualification for certain types of separations.

Approvable Job Separation

What is an approvable job separation?

If you file for Unemployment Compensation Benefits after quitting a job or being discharged (for reasons other than lack of work or job elimination), you must attend a hearing to determine eligibility for benefits.

If you QUIT your job, the purpose of the hearing is to give you an opportunity to establish that you had good cause attributable to the employer for quitting the job. There are very few non-job-related reasons for quitting under which you may be approved for benefits. These include quitting to care for a spouse, child, or parent with an illness or disability, and quitting because of a loss of transportation other than your own personally-owned vehicle, provided you are otherwise eligible. Keep in mind that you do have to be able and available for full-time work in order to be eligible for unemployment benefits.

If you RETIRE from your job, the purpose of the hearing is to give you an opportunity to establish that the retirement was not voluntary, or if it was, that your intent was not to withdraw from the labor market at the time you left the job. If the reason for the retirement is because the job has become unsuitable in light of your physical condition and the degree of risk to health and safety, you may be eligible for benefits provided you requested other work from the employer that was suitable and the employer did not offer you such work. If your separation was not voluntary, you would be eligible for benefits provided you are able and available for full-time work. In certain instances, a retirment will be treated as involuntary if the retirement was induced by the employer in an effort to close a facility or eliminate a worker's position, or if the worker reasonably believed the employment would be severed if he/she rejected the employer's inducement to retire. The portion of your pension benefits that relates to your employer's contribution is deducted from your Weekly Benefit Rate.

If you were DISCHARGED, the hearing will develop information to determine if the discharge was due to conduct in the course of employment which constituted deliberate misconduct, a single knowing violation of a reasonable and uniformly-enforced rule or policy, larceny of property or services whose value exceeded $25 or theft of currency of any value, or felonious conduct. If you were discharged for absenteeism, your employer must show that you were absent without either good cause for the absence or notice to the employer which you could have reasonably provided under the circumstances for three separate instances within a twelve month period.



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